FQ1: Principles of training Core 2: Factors affecting Performance
Syllabus points to cover Learn about: Learn to: Principles of training progressive overload specificity reversibility variety training thresholds warm up and cool down analyse how the principles of training can be applied to both aerobic and resistance training
Progressive overload The principle used to improve all aspects of fitness. As fitness or or performance improves the body adapts to the load as normal. THEREFORE The load on the energy system and muscles needs to be increased progressively for maximum results to be achieved.
:Insufficient stress underloads the body, and training benefits are not maximised.
Specificity Exercise specific to the muscle groups and energy systems used for the activity that the individual is training for. Training needs to be specific as the training effects will not easily transfer to other activities except in general outcomes of respiratory and cardiovascular fitness. A swimmer trains by swimming and a runner runs.
Reversibility Occurs when exercise stops or slackens and the training benefits are lost. significant losses in about 2 weeks
Variety In the form of training exercises, facilities and venues. Helps with motivation and stick to goals When training is intense, low activity, relaxation exercises and planned rest periods aid recovery
Training thresholds Minimum exercise efforts needed to produce improvement in fitness HR is one way of determining thresholds Power, Rate of perceived exertion (RPE), Blood lactate are other ways to determine training zones. Anaerobic Threshold occurs when a level of training intensity is reached which is near the body’s limit of oxygen use and cannot be kept for long.
The Body’s response to changing Thresholds
Warm up and cool down W/up: First phase of a training session. Purpose: increase body and muscle temperatures prevent injury to the muscles and joints stimulate the cardiorespiratory system prepare mentally and to become aware of any environmental factors that need consideration. C/dwn: Occurs at the end of session Purpose return the body temperature to normal gradually slow exercise intensity stretch the muscles used in the session Lactic acid accumulation is dispersed