Handling of ICAO Language Requirements in Norway ATCOs By Geir Ingebrethsen Special Adviser ATM CAA Norway
ATCO Language Proficiency Children taught English from age 6. TV-programs and movies in English have Norwegian subtitles and are very seldom dubbed, Selection criteria for ATCO training require ability to speak and write English (FEAST test). The majority of Norwegian ATCOs have had their ab initio education in UK or USA. ATC use English R/T even when communicating with Norwegian pilots.
Testing of Norwegian ATCOs Directive 2006/23/EC has been transposed in Norwegian regulations. Decision made to mandate the service provider Avinor to select a suitable test. The CAA approved the test chosen by Avinor.
Avinor testing RMIT English Language Test for Aviation (RELTA) 6 examiners/interlocutors selected by Avinor and accredited by RMIT. 3 sets of test equipment. Testing is done at the ATC units to avoid roster disturbances and travelling.
Test results 471 ATCOs tested - 20 remaining. Level 4 – 4% Below level 4 – 0%. No training packages needed, but the candidates receive CD, book and practice test in advance to become familiar with the test format
Challenges Presently no suitable test for AFISO or Aeronautical Radio Operators. Establish test in national language (Norwegian) for non-Norwegian speaking controllers. Establish system for 3 og 6 years periodic proficiency testing of Level 4 and 5 ATCOs.