Tasks for: Confirm Physical Health Status Case Studies Tasks for: Confirm Physical Health Status
© State of New South Wales, Department of Education and Training, 2008 Case Study 1 Audiogram for Case 1: Mr L Zarb Case History: Male aged 62. Worked as carpenter for 30+ years. Minimal hearing protection. Father wore hearing aids (now deceased). Nil middle ear problems or ear surgery. Constant bilateral tinnitus. Nil balance problems. Communication difficulties on the phone, at the pub and has TV too loud according to family members. Feels hearing isn’t too bad but wife says she often has to repeat information. Task 1: What do you think the cause of Mr Zarb’s hearing would be? If this were proven correct, what part of the auditory system has been damaged to cause this hearing loss? Audiometric results: Pure tone audiometry indicates a mild to moderate hearing loss above 1500Hz bilaterally. © State of New South Wales, Department of Education and Training, 2008
© State of New South Wales, Department of Education and Training, 2008 Case Study 2 Audiogram for Case 2: Jenny Moore Case History: Female child aged 4. Child complains of a sore right ear. No recent ear infections reported by mother. No family history of hearing loss. Speech development normal. Audiometric results: Play audiometry indicates hearing within normal limits in the left ear with a mild low frequency hearing loss in the right ear. Task 2: What could the possible pathologies be for this child’s hearing loss? What part of the ear do you think is affected? What do you think you would see if you were able to view the tympanic membrane for each of the possible pathologies ? © State of New South Wales, Department of Education and Training, 2008
© State of New South Wales, Department of Education and Training, 2008 Case Study 3 Audiogram for Case 3: Maria Hanna Task 3: What could the possible pathology be for this woman’s hearing loss? What part of the hearing system do you think is affected? What furtherinvestigation do you think the GP or ENT specialist would ask for? Case History: Female aged 42. Office worker for 20 years. Onset of balance problems, nausea and dull roaring tinnitus in right ear. Hearing fluctuating. GP has prescribed stemitol and further investigation. Awaiting appointment with ENT specialist. Some communication difficulties but main concern is ‘dizzy attacks’ and general ill health. Audiometric results: Pure tone audiometry indicates a significant low frequency hearing loss in the right ear. The left ear has near normal hearing. © State of New South Wales, Department of Education and Training, 2008
© State of New South Wales, Department of Education and Training, 2008 Case Study 4 Audiogram for Case 4: Mick Jones Task 4: What could the possible pathology be for this man’s hearing loss? What part of the hearing system do you think is affected? What furthercase history questions could you ask to gain more information? What recommendations would you make? Case History: Male aged 44. Worked as boiler maker for 20+ years. Wears hearing protection (ear muffs). Recreational shooter. Nil family history of deafness. Sinus sufferer. Nil ear surgery. Constant left-sided tinnitus. Left-sided balance problems. Sensation of fullness in left ear and pressure on left side of face. Communication difficulties at work and in background noise. Telephone ok when uses right ear. Audiometric results: Pure tone audiometry indicates a moderate hearing loss above 2000Hz in the right ear. The left ear shows a severe hearing loss above 1500Hz in the left ear. © State of New South Wales, Department of Education and Training, 2008