Oedipus Act 2
Why Is Creon upset?? Because Oedipus accused him of being a traitor Does he have a right to be?? Absolutely
What does the Chorus say? “Perhaps it was a sudden gust of anger that forced that insult from him, and no judgement.” “I do knot know; I have no eyes to see what Princes do.” What does this tell us about the chorus?? They are inconsistent with what side they are on and don’t want to support something that would be wrong so they try to not make enemies
Creon is upset because… Line 596-598 – “I do not want to live on with the burden of such a scandal on me”
Oedipus asks why he is there since: Line 613-614: “although you are proved manifestly the murderer of that man” How was he proven guilty???
Why wouldn’t Creon want the crown? Line 669-717
We see another Motif Our first motif is blindness – there is more of that here in act 2 Our second motif is TIME Line 715-717 Look back at Teireisias and the Chorus – both make reference to time proving something to be true
Oedipus’ Anger/Pride gets the best of him again Line 725 - anger Line 732-33 –Pride Line 776-779 - Both
Jocasta’s Intervention We see who really holds the power in this marriage – Jocasta comes in and scolds them like children Symbolism
Jocasta’s Logic Line 813-836 We also revisit our THEME Jocasta denounces the gods validity and distrusts their abilities We also revisit our THEME FATE VS.FREEWILL
Oedipus figures it out Line 862-63 Oedipus’ confession
Chorus’ observations Line 1009-1020 – irony Line 1021-1032 – hmm….