Test Fuel Properties FT Diesel fuel Diesel fuel Properties (8/19) Density @15deg.C Viscosity @30deg.C Cetane number Sulfur Aromatics Lower heating value g/cm3 mm2/s ppm w vol.% MJ/kg 0.7826 4.145 88 <1 43.52 0.8330 3.496 55 350 26.7 Pour point deg.C -7.5 42.95 FT Diesel fuel Diesel fuel Properties T10 T90 257 327.5 216 333 IBP T30 170.5 274.5 174 253 T50 292 277 T70 308 300 EP 338.5 360 34.06 35.78 MJ/L This table shows the test fuel properties. Two test fuels, FTD and conventional diesel fuel, were used in this study. The FTD has the properties of lower density, high cetane number, near zero sulfur and zero aromatics. The reference diesel fuel is the typical Japanese market fuel, but the sulfur level of 350ppm is higher than the current level of 10ppm.
Full Load Engine Performance (FTD fuel vs. Diesel fuel) (9/19) Engine; I-4, 2.4 liter, Turbocharged DI Diesel (CR=17) Fuel injection quantity (mm3/pulse) 20 40 60 80 8 12 16 24 28 32 36 Engine speed (x102 rpm) FT Diesel Diesel Fuel 300 250 200 150 100 (g/kWh) Fuel economy Engine output (kW) Smoke limit =10% (JIS) Engine torque (Nm) This figure shows the comparison of full load performance between the FTD and the diesel fuel. The test engine was a 2.4 liter, turbo-charged diesel engine with common rail system. As you can see, the maximum output in the FTD fuel increases about 13% compared to that of the diesel fuel under the same smoke limit of 10%, because less smoke characteristic of the FTD enables to increase the fuel injection quantity. * high cetane fuel is applicable to lower compression ratio engine.
Exhaust Emissions and Fuel Economy (FTD fuel vs. Diesel fuel) (10/19) Exhaust Emissions and Fuel Economy (FTD fuel vs. Diesel fuel) Test vehicle ; Passenger Car (5MT, 1360kg) Test engine ; I-4, 2 liter, Turbocharged DI Diesel (ε=17) 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 HC NOx PM Engine-out emissions (g/km) Japanese 10.15 mode Diesel fuel CO FT Diesel fuel x10 F.E. 5.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fuel economy ( L/ 100km) 100 110 120 130 140 150 133 129 CO2 emission (g/km) CO2 5.2 This figure shows the engine-out emissions and fuel economy under the Japanese 10.15 mode. The test vehicle was a passenger car with a 2 liter, turbo-charged Direct Injection diesel engine and the engine was calibrated with the reference diesel fuel. The emission results show that HC, PM and CO are remarkably decreased by using the FTD fuel. The CO2 and the fuel consumption in the FTD fuel are also lower than those in the reference fuel. These benefits would be from the zero aromatics and high cetane number characteristic of FTD. Diesel fuel FT Diesel fuel