How was this change possible? 1950 2012
Jim Crow Laws “Separate, but Equal” South passed laws that discriminated against blacks Purpose of the law to separate blacks and whites Blacks had to ride in separate cars, different schools, even drink at different water fountains Taxes only black men had to pay Test- blacks had to take to vote
Emmett Till Emmett Till was from the North. He went to visit family in the south, Mississippi. He whistled at a white woman. The woman’s husband and brother came after him, shot him, and tied his body to a cotton gin that sank in the river.
Emmett Till’s Trial The murderers were found “innocent” by an all-white jury. They later told a magazine the story of what they did to Emmett Till. They were proud of it and going unpunished.
Emmett Till’s Funeral Emmett Till’s mother chose to have an open-casket funeral for all to see.
Why would Emmett Till’s mother use this as a Civil Rights method?
Rosa Parks Rosa Parks refused to move to the back of the bus, where other black people were forced to sit. She was arrested for this act of “civil disobedience” Civil Disobedience when you peacefully break the law.
Montgomery Bus Boycott Rosa Park’s arrest inspired the Montgomery Bus boycott where African Americans protested the bus system for one year. This led to the end of segregation for busses, and now they were integrated and hired black bus drivers.
Rules DO NOT act violent (nonviolent), have good behavior and act calm DO NOT brag, DO NOT curse or fight back, even if someone curses or attacks you if someone is being mistreated DO NOT attack, but pray, along with other rules that practiced nonviolence
Create a Memorial After reading the events and evaluating the methods used by African Americans trying to achieve equality and stop discrimination, create a memorial, honoring Emmett Till or Rosa Parks. Use specific keywords APPROPRIATELY that relate to the event and person chosen, such as CIVIL RIGHTS, BUS BOYCOTT, NON VIOLENCE, DISCRIMINATION, JIM CROW LAWS, SEGREGATION. YOU ARE NOT LIMITED TO THESE KEY WORDS.