1st Quality Assurance Committee meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Re@WBC 1st Quality Assurance Committee meeting Podgorica, March 23-24, 2017 The University of Kragujevac in Re@WBC Year One Olivera Mijatovic Head of Department for International Cooperation  ERASMUS+ PROJECT Re@WBC Enhancement of HE research potential contributing to further growth of the WB region

 - In progress, with some delay Overview of the implementation of project activites in the first half of Re@WBC project at UNIKG: WP1. Preparation for research potential enhancement WP2. Excellent university for the researchers WP3. Excellent researchers for the community  - Completed activity - In progress, on time  - In progress, with some delay

 WP1. Preparation for research potential enhancement 1.1. Mapping research potential at WBC  Total of 168 researchers participated in the survey All faculties within UNIKG took part in the survey Survey report became the integral part of the HRS4R at UNIKG 1.2. Mapping HR management strategies at EU universities. UNIKG representatives (Rectorate and 4 faculties) participated in the study visits to Torino, Coventry and Liege 1.3. Performing comparative analysis Activity was realized on the consortium level 1.4. Developing action plans Action plan was developed as an integral part of HRS4R at UNIKG 1.5. Purchasing ICT equipment Equipment was purchased and distributed to Rectorate and 4 faculties

1.4. Developing of action plans September – October, 2016

1.5. Purchasing of ICT equipment September 2016 – February 2017

 WP2. Excellent university for the researchers 2.1. Reinforcing of university centres and offices by creating and adopting relevant bylaws  Several new bylaws were created or upgraded and adopted at UNIKG during first project year Report on the current state was prepared and delivered 2.2. Training of administrative staff Two faculties representatives participated in a two-day training seminar organized by the UNS. 2.3. Seminar on HRS4R One representative of UNIKG participated in this seminar at BU 2.4. Preparing and adopting HR strategy Declaration of commitment to EU C&C was signed and submited HRS4R was prepared and submitted HRS4R was accepted in full “HR Excelence in reseach” Logo was granted

2.4. Preparing and adopting of HR strategy September 2016 – October 2017

2.4. Preparing and adopting of HR strategy HRS4R evaluation report and HR Excelence in Research logo award - Februar 2017

  WP2. Excellent university for the researchers 2.5. Training trainers by EU partners  Representatives of UNKIG participated in this Coventry training Participants for Liege, Belgrade and Torino trainings were selected 2.6. Improving by-laws regulating promotion procedures  UNIKG upgraded the university bylaw which defines the promotion procedure 2.7. Plagiarism monitoring tools implementing In progress, expected to be finished in next few months 2.8. Enhancing of ethical committees through trainings. Workshop was organized in Kragujevac New University Code on academical integrity and professional ethics was adopted 2.9. Establishing links with scientific diaspora Report on current state (alumni at UNIKG) were prepared and delivered

2.8. Enhancing of ethical committees through trainings Workshop in Kragujevac – November 2016

  WP3. Excellent researchers for the community 3.1. Training researchers in C&C and HRS4R  Joint project presentation for HRS4R training was prepared One training was implemented (25 participants), two more scheduled 3.2. Creating databases for better information flow  University researchers base upgraded and updated 3.3. Research methodology training of young researchers UNIKG work on preparation of several training programes for two days seminars (total of 3 x 2 days programes) First two days seminar for 82 participants were conducted at FIN UNIKG in March 2017. 3.4.Training of young researchers in various skills UNIKG will organize and host workshop for 100 researchers from Serbia in September 2017

3.1. Training researchers in C&C and HRS4R - presentation

3.1. Training researchers in C&C and HRS4R First training 25 participants at FIN UNIKG December 2016

3.3. Research methodology training of young researchers First workshop 82 participants at FIN UNIKG “Creative thinking – From a problem to a solution” – March 2017

 WP3. Excellent researchers for the community 3.5. Teaching methodology training Coordinated by BU 3.6. Developing a pilot Mentoring system  Two associate professors from FIN UNIKG were preselected for the Pilot Mentoring System introduction 3.7. Raising awareness about multidisciplinarity Officially has not started yet 3.8. Preparing a guidebook for young researchers Chapters titles and contents were prepared and distributed to the partners, along with the writing instructions

ivanm@kg.ac.rs Thank you for your attention University of Kragujevac e-mail for the coordination of activities on WP3: ivanm@kg.ac.rs