Finish Name That Tool Start Which One? Pick the… Multiple Find the… Choice Find the… It is… True/False Start
Finish Name That Tool Start Which One? Pick the… Find the… It is… Multiple Choice Find the… It is… True/False Start
HAVE FUN! Welcome to The Game! This game will take you through the identification of hand tools used in woodworking. Click on the first box. Read through the information on the screen, and click on the BEST of the choices. Be careful, though. If you choose the wrong answer, you’ll be taken back to the initial screen, and you’ll have to start over! HAVE FUN! Click here to go back and get started.
True or False This is a steel rule. True False
True or False This is an awl. False True
True or False This is an auger bit. True False
True or False This is a nail set. False True
True or False This is a coping saw. False True
Now move on to the next step. Great work! Now move on to the next step. Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice What is this? Auger Bit Block Plane Jack Plane
Multiple Choice What is this? Auger Bit Twist Drill Hand Drill
Multiple Choice What is this? Try Square Marking gauge Steel Ruler
Multiple Choice What is this? Rip Saw Coping Saw Crosscut Saw
Multiple Choice What is this? Twist Drill Marking Gauge Nail Set
Now move on to the next step. Great work! Now move on to the next step. Which one?
Which one? What is this? Hand Drill Brace
Which one? What is this? Nail Set Awl
Which one? What is this? Sanding block Block Plane
Which one? What is this? Steel Ruler Marking Gauge
Which saw is used for cutting with the grain of the wood? Which one? Crosscut saw Which saw is used for cutting with the grain of the wood? Miter box saw Rip saw Coping saw
Now move on to the next step. Great work! Now move on to the next step. Find the...
Find the... Block Plane
Find the... Coping Saw
Find the... Nail Set
Find the... Sanding Block
Find the... Crosscut Saw
Find the... Try Square
Now move on to the next step. Great work! Now move on to the next step. Go to Is it…
It is... a hand drill. B A YES NO
It is... A B A try square. A marking gauge. C A steel rule.
It is... A B A hand drill. An auger bit. C A brace.
It is... B A hammer. A A claw hammer. C A ball peen hammer.
It is... A A jack plane. B C A block plane. A joe plane.
It is... A crosscut saw. A rip saw. A back saw. A hack saw. E C A back saw. A hack saw. F D A rip saw. A coping saw.
Now move on to the next step. Great work! Now move on to the next step. Go to Pick the…
Pick the... Auger bit
Pick the... Rip saw
Pick the... Nail set
Pick the... Marking gauge
Pick the... Twist drill
Great work! Now move on to the Finish
Now you are ready for the tool identification test. Congratulations! Now you are ready for the tool identification test. If you use what you have learned here, you should have a better chance of getting an outstanding grade! Thank you for playing!