Multiplying Polynomials 7.2 Multiplying Polynomials Students will be able to multiply binomials. Students will be able to use the FOIL method. Students will be able to multiply binomials and trinomials.
1. Multiplying Binomials using the Distributive Property.
1. Multiplying Binomials using a Table. 2x -3 x 2x2 -3x +5 +10x -15
With Distributive Property! You Try! With Distributive Property!
You Try! With a Table! r -5 2r 2r2 -10r -1 -1r +5
2. Using the FOIL Method First terms Outer terms Inner terms Last terms
2. Using the FOIL Method First Outer Inner Last
You Try! Using the FOIL Method! First Outer Inner Last
3. Multiplying a Binomial and a Trinomial Using the Distributive Property
Last One YEH!! But First Let us review what we learned today Students will be able to multiply binomials. Students will be able to use the FOIL method. Students will be able to multiply binomials and trinomials.
Last One Good Job!