Presented By: Dashawn Currington & Adam Walker Gideon v Wainwright (1963) Presented By: Dashawn Currington & Adam Walker
Essential Question Does the 6th amendment right to counsel in criminal cases extend to felony defendents in state courts?
Background Information Clarence Gideon was charged in a Florida Court for breaking into a pool room. He requested a lawyer but did not recieve one. Louie L. Wainwright was the respondant in the state court. Gideon was sent to jail for 5 years. He sent a petition to the Supreme Court saying the it violated his consitutional right to an attorney. Clarence Earl Gideon Louie L. Wainwright
What Constitutional Principle (s) Are Related to the Case? 6th Amendment The right to an attorney, right to a speedy and public trail by fair jury.
How did the Court answer the Essential Question How did the Court answer the Essential Question? What was their decision? Justice Hugo L. Black was the Chief Justice who sided with Gideon to form a 9-0 majority vote for his right to an Attorney. The consititution guarantees the right to counsel as a protection of Due Process.
What was the impact? Criminals who were too poor to afford an attorney could be appointed one by the state courts.
Why Was This Case Considered a Landmark? If this case didn’t happen, people who were too poor and prosecuted for an act against the constitution would not be able to have a lawyer to defend them in court. The Actual landmark of Gideon V Wainwright
Bibliography resources/educational-activities/sixth-amendment-activities wainwright/ 1963.html