Defending Childhood Initiative Memphis Police Department A Partnership: Connecting Families and Resources Together Major Charles Newell, Memphis Police Department Keisha Walker, Shelby County Office of Early Childhood & Youth Malrie Shelton, Defending Childhood Initiative, Shelby County
National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention
National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention Goals of Defending Childhood Initiative Prevent children’s exposure to violence. Mitigate the negative effects experienced by children exposed to violence. Develop knowledge about and spread awareness of childhood exposure to violence.
National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention Legend: 1. Mutual coordination 2. Provides staff support 3. Fiscal oversight & Contract Management 4. Supports (policy, advocacy, strategic direction) 5. Strategies implemented by Core Teams Accountable Partners MSCC/Operation: Safe Community Defending Childhood Steering Committee ( subcommittee of MSCC Board and other stakeholders) Pilot Project Areas Community Action Partnerships (CAPS) MSCC E.D. Michelle Fowlkes DCI - NOVA Coordinator Malrie Shelton Non Funded MPD, DCS, Agape, Administrator, SCOECY Keisha Walker 3 1 Research and system design partners 4 2 OSC 2012- 2016 Chair: Bill Gibbons, TN Commissioner of Safety/Homeland Security MSCC A.E.D. Patience Walker OSC Goal 5: Reduce Youth Violence Co Chair s Amy Weirich, SC DA Merlene Hyman, DCS, RA MPD Major Charles Newell Prevention Strategy Leaders Memphis Mayor A C Wharton Shelby County Mayor Mark Luttrell Steve West, Methodist Healthcare Int ervention Strategy Leaders Juvenile Court Judge Curtis Person Shelby County Schools Superintendent Dorsey Hopson, II Law Enforcement Strategy Leaders Shelby County District Attorney Amy Weirich Memphis Police Director Toney Armstrong Juvenile Justice/Graduated Sanc tions Strategy Leaders TN DCS Commissioner James Henry TN DOC Commissioner Derrick Schofield Reduce Youth Repeat Offenses U.S. Attorney Ed Stanton TN Board of Probation & Parole Chairman Charles Traughber 5
National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention NOVA is a network of public and private agency partners connecting a community of trained adults to children and youth exposed to violence—for trauma counseling, parenting support, and other family assistance.
Defending Childhood Initiative Partners AGAPE Child & Family Services Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action Consilience Group Exchange Club Family Center Family Safety Center LeBonheur Community Health & Well-Being Memphis Area Women’s Council Memphis Child Advocacy Center Memphis and Shelby County Juvenile Court Memphis Police Department Splash Creative Victims to Victory University of Memphis Dept. of Social Work
National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention
NOVA DEMONSTRATION SITES Old Allen (including Frayser) 38127, 38128 Southeast Memphis 38115, 38118, 38125, 38141
National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention A Place-Based Strategy Supported by Coordinated Community-Wide Systems Prevention – Intervention – Site Based Reaching at-risk children, youth, and families where they live Collaborative and intensified identification, outreach, support, and follow-up as a model that would be replicated from neighborhood to neighborhood in Memphis/Shelby County
Memphis Police Department Director Toney Armstrong – leader sets the foundation Recognized globally as the leader in technology, especially in crime-fighting strategies Staffed by more than 2,500 commissioned officers who are innovative, highly trained, technically proficient, and culturally sensitive
Memphis Police Department Community Outreach Program (COP) Crisis Intervention Team “Memphis Model”
The Memphis Police Department and NOVA Cops and Kids Training Domestic Violence Training NOVA Brochure
National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention
National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention
National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention
NOVA Training Video Memphis Police Department Shelby County Sheriff Department Other First Responders
Engagement of Law Enforcement Established Youth Violence Prevention Coordinator Vision/Philosophy of Director Armstrong to balance enforcement and prevention True engagement across multiple initiatives to prevent youth violence
Why This Work Is Important Evolution of Memphis Police Department Officers desire to “Protect and Serve”
Lessons Learned Keep the process simple Create training and professional development opportunities for officers Cultivate mutual supportive relationship between law enforcement and community partners
Key Links and Resources