NET History Exam Skills 5 Grab a Grade
Evaluation Question(s) Explanation of factors question
Assessment objective weightings for GCSE History Assessment objectives (AOs) Criteria Overall weighting (approx. %) AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key features and characteristics of the periods studied. 35 AO2 Explain and analyse historical events and periods studied using second-order historical concepts. AO3 Analyse, evaluate and use sources (contemporary to the period) to make substantiated judgements, in the context of historical events studied. 15 AO4 Analyse, evaluate and make substantiated judgements about interpretations (including how and why interpretations may differ) in the context of historical events studied.
Evaluative Questions There are four ‘evaluative’ questions. There are three 16 mark questions, which are tested at the end of Paper 1 Section B, Paper 2 Section A and Section B and there is one 12 mark question, which appears at the end of Paper 1 Section A. Their approach is very similar to the ‘explaining concept’ questions in their approach, as they require the students to identify and explain factors using second-order concepts of either: cause, consequence, change and/or continuity. The only difference is that they ask the student to make a sustained judgement.
The 16 mark explanation of factors Questions The approach is the same for the 16 mark essays in the thematic studies on Paper 2 Section A. Students will look at factors, such as ‘religion’, which are listed in the specification. Students can bring any relevant factor into their answer and can use relevant examples from any of the periods covered in the thematic study. AQA have designed the question to be broad so that students use what they know to answer the question.