Quality assurance and curriculum development Practice consistent with QA and Accreditation
program Curriculum: cover page Name of The Program: Undergraduate Business Degree to be Awarded: BBA Awarding Body: Eastern University Quality Assurance benchmark applicable: Graduates must acquire and meet the requirements of highly respected programs from developed countries. Accrediting Body/Bodies: Eastern University Academic Council and Syndicate. UGC SAQS Any other body generally accepted as gatekeeper of quality programs Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
program Curriculum: cover page Important Points of reference: Quality Assurance Framework for Higher education, designed by: A B C Collaborative Partners and Models of collaboration, if applicable. Modes of Delivery and Duration Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
program Curriculum: cover page Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
Goals of the Program Develop knowledge and understanding the broad areas of business and management across a range of concepts, applied theories and models to prepare students for entry level positions leading to management roles in business and non-business organizations. Develop knowledge of various function that contribute to business decision making together with an enhanced awareness of contemporary business developments. Ensure that the students acquire the essential skills, and learn the most important tools and techniques essential to support business decisions enabling the graduates to take on greater roles in an organization as they internalize those skills, tools, and techniques. Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
Learning Outcomes of the program On completion of the undergraduate degree, the student will be able to: Knowledge-based Outcome: K1 K2 K3 K4 Skill Based outcome S1 S2 S3 S4 Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
Program structure and content Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
Program structure and content Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
Program structure and content Course list with course title, course number, credit value. Course list levels Course number with course summary in appendix. Those with major change to be identified with a date. Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
Teaching and learning Teaching Learning Assessment Matrix..\New BBA Program proposal\Matrix of Teaching Learning.xlsx Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
Teaching and learning An understanding of appropriate concepts and theories sufficient to allow detailed investigation into relevant business issues. A practical awareness of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in business and management A critical appreciation of contemporary problems and issues affecting the organization, structure and development of business. An ability to use a range of skills which will sharpen students capabilities in future management roles. Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
Learning strategies and QA benchmarks Please investigate the QA benchmarks in current respected programs of the Western Countries. Example: Here is a QA a benchmark statements in UK: Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
Learning strategies and QA benchmarks Example: Here is a QA a benchmark statements in UK for MBA Programs: Four areas must be addressed throughout the program. In as much as the curricula, and indeed extra-curricula, activities focus on these activities, so do the teaching, learning and assessment activities. The strategy is based on the following purposes: Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
Learning strategies and QA benchmarks The advanced study of organizations, their management and the changing external context in which they operate, Preparation for and/or development of a career in business and management by developing skills at a professional or equivalent level, or as preparation for research or further study in the area through formative and summative assessment linked to skills development in a range of modules. Development of the ability to apply knowledge and understanding of business and management to complex issues, both systematically and creatively to improve business and management practice through case studies, organizational visits, on line discussions and peer learning and support group tasks. Enhancement of lifelong learning skills and personal development so as to be able to work with self direction and originality, and to contribute to business and society at large through original and independent study and research. Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
Learning strategies Focus on employability and entrepreneurship. Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
Teaching and learning methods Deductive: Will vary from teacher to teacher, program to program and course to course. All modules should provide an opportunity to explain to the whole class a concept, to take questions, to outline areas of knowledge, indicate methods of tackling a problem, demonstrate methods of analysis and synthesis of materials. Audio-visual aids will be used as appropriate, such as PowerPoint or video. Interactive: During seminars or group teaching sessions, students will interact with each other and/or with the instructor to develop ideas, work on tasks, practice skills, or explain material. Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
Teaching and learning methods Research Directed private study Case Analysis Group assignment. Presentation Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
Assessment Assessment Strategy: Assessment strategy should be designed to Ensure that all graduates have achieved the learning outcomes of the program. Course learning outcomes are directly related to program learning outcomes and all assessments should indicate which course learning outcome they are assessing. Assess achievement, both formatively and summatively, over the whole of the degree program. Distinguish between levels of achievement and reward attainment of objectives. Utilize a range of assessment methods and techniques which engage student interest and foster enthusiasm for the subject. Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
Assessment Assessment Methods: Refer to Matrix again. Tests Quizzes Assignments Case Analysis Reports Presentations Demonstration of knowledge. Interview. Demonstration of confidence. Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
Other issues of complete curriculum Orientation, Life skill, survival tips, tips for getting the most benefit out of the program Career service and support Study advice Guidance for further study Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019
Other issues of complete curriculum Admissions Program management and quality assurance IT facilities, including internet, intranet, audio-visual Library Information sourcing Presented by: Dr. Sharif N. Ahkam. Eastern University, Faculty of Business Administration 1/3/2019