PSAT and National Merit Scholarship Update Mrs. Christie Finley Director of Secondary Programs October 15, 2015
PSAT is the Preliminary SAT and the Qualifying Assessment for the National Merit Scholarship. All HCS Sophomores Participated in the PSAT on October 14th. Data from this Assessment will be used to Identify and Support Rising Juniors Who May Enter National Merit Competition. Juniors Must Take the Assessment In Order to Enter the National Merit Competition during his/her Senior Year.
For 2015-2016, HCS has 13 potential National Merit Finalists. 8 – Grissom High School 4 – Huntsville High School 1 – New Century Technology High School National Merit Scholarship Requirements Continue to Meet Program Entry Requirements Enrolled in Last Year of High School and Plan to Enter College in the Fall after Graduation U.S. Citizen or Legal Resident Endorsed by School Principal Consistent Record of High Academic Performance Complete the National Merit Scholarship Corporation Application Take the SAT Provide Required Documents and Information to National Merit Scholarship Corporation
HCS provided Free PSAT Preparatory Sessions for Juniors Who Scored Within the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Range as a Sophomore. PSAT Prep was Provided by Appleton Tutors/Teachers with HCS Supervision and Support Provided by HCS High School Counselor, Mr. Robert Watson and HCS Guidance Coordinator, Ms. Donna Clark. PSAT Saturday Sessions were held September 5, 12, 19, 26, October 3 and 10 from 9:00 AM 12:00 PM. PSAT Prep Session Pacing Guides Outlined the PSAT Material Addressed in Saturday Sessions. Weeks 1-4 - Critical Reading, Writing and Math; Subtest Assessment Administered Week 5 – Administered Practice PSAT Week 6 – Instructors Reviewed and Addressed Commonly Missed Questions on the Practice Test; Parent Meeting Held to Provide and Receive Feedback on PSAT Prep Sessions
HCS Juniors Were Focused on Learning PSAT Study Tips and Test Taking Strategies During the PSAT Saturday Sessions.
HCS Juniors Capitalized on the PSAT Prep Session Time to Prepare for the October 14th test.
HCS Juniors Who Participated in the PSAT Prep Sessions Join Us Tonight To Provide Feedback on Their Experience. Christina Roebke- Columbia High School Ryan O’Halloran- Huntsville High School