Comprehension Strategies and Instruction Specialist
Before you can truly improve your reading skills, you need to understand what happens in good readers’ minds while they read. You may even do these things already. You just don’t know it…yet. Good readers have developed good habits when they read. We call these habits strategies. Strategies help readers understand, connect to, and determine the importance of what they are reading. They also visualize, ask questions about, and read between the lines of what they read
“Reading” the clues of written text “Citing evidence” is the only form of proof that is accepted!
“Intellectually Stimulating Inquiries” also known as any questions will be asked of you as the “Investigator” and you will have to hunt for the evidence embedded in the “written crime scene” AKA… the article or book. Evidence found must be submitted in written format… Evidence can take the form of… Pictures, graphs, inferences, written text and page #
Have your proof ready before you encounter the…
Marketplace to Boniface estate I understand how the author uses the flashback technique to enrich the character development and add details to the story. 0 1 2 3 4 5 Marketplace to Boniface estate
Flashbacks Extra… Extra… The Jonathan Frisby Mystery is now solved… Read all about it!
Your mission is to write a Newspaper Article that tells the whole story of NIMH experience in 120 words or less
What details are learned by Mrs What details are learned by Mrs.Frisby’s in her discussion with Isabella?
What similarities can drawn between the frog and the rats…as you read from the beginning to the end of their stories. How does the reader’s perception of them change as the story plot unfolds?
What are character discussions revealing in your book?