Problem-Solution Research Paper and STEM Culminating Project Spring 2017
The Problem? Fossil Fuels Your task: to conduct research on a potential solution to the problem of using fossil fuels as a source of energy. Ultimately, you are using this research to: Write a paper, focusing on one specific type of sustainable energy that could be used to replace fossil fuels in the future. Develop a proposal that will resolve the fossil fuel issue for a specific country (STEM Culminating Project-you know your country!)
Your paper must include: An explanation of the research and technology creation that has already been conducted to develop this renewable energy source. An analysis of the benefits and drawbacks or potential problems associated with this energy source A projection of what else would need to happen in order for this energy source to be used on a larger scale
The Nuts and Bolts of the paper: This is a research paper. Therefore, you must include RESEARCH. ☺ Source Citations (4-8) 3 sections in the body of the paper Section 1: your explanation of renewable energy Section 2: your analysis Section 3: your projection An introduction to the problem A conclusion giving your recommendation APA Formatting Works Cited page 3-5 pages (not including your Works Cited)
What is the process? First, focus on gathering and organizing your research Second, hone your citations We will walk through APA Citations after gathering preliminary research. Third, create your first written draft We will walk you through what information needs to go where in class. We will walk you through how to cite your sources. Fourth, revise a final copy Due March 30th
Full Time Line Introduce Research Paper – Tuesday 3/14 Library Days Monday, 3/20 Monday, 3/27 Tuesday, 3/28 Introduce Research Paper – Tuesday 3/14 Explain assignment, begin organizing research Due Date #1 –Tuesday 3/21 Q1 Research check (Notecards) Due Date #2 –Friday 3/24 Q1 Peer review #1, rough draft of all 3 portions Due Date #3 – Thursday 3/30 Q2 Final paper due
Why use APA formatting? Share references in order to demonstrate that you’ve done your research and you know what you’re talking about Specify which information came from which source (and when) Provide details so that reader can fact check and learn more Cite sources efficiently without disrupting the flow of the paper Brief citations within the paper More details about each source at the end of the paper Citations should match reference page exactly
References STEPS to create an entry: Identify the type of source (book, electronic source, etc.) Click on the “Reference List” tab for this type of source Look at the example Plug in your own information, paying attention to detail Indent after the first line of text for each source This is how people know when you have moved on to another source Double-space consistently throughout Do not skip extra lines Arrange alphabetically Use author’s last name If no author available, use title of work Basically, you want your in-text citation to match the first words in your references entry so that your reader can easily find the full reference
Let’s view some examples: Basic Book : Beavan, C. (2009). No Impact Man: The Adventures of a Guilty Liberal Who Attempts to Save the Planet, and the Discoveries He Makes About Himself and Our Way of Life in the Process. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. Author Date of publication Title Place of publication (City, ST) Publisher
Basic Electronic Source: (2012). Energy Resources: Fossil Fuels. Retrieved from Author, if available Date of publication Title of article/page Website
In-text Citations Be sure to cite your sources when you: Include: Use a direct quotation According to Ms. Myers, “this research paper is due on April 11th” (2015, p. 3). Paraphrase information We must submit our research papers on December 11th (Myers, 2015, p.3) Include: Author Date of publication Page number for print sources Subheading and/or paragraph number for electronic sources
Fine-tuning your in-text citations There are multiple ways to cite; use a variety throughout your paper Do not repeat information According to Ms. Myers, “this research paper is due on April 11th” (2015, p.3). According to Myers (2015), “this research paper is due on April 11th” (p.3). We must submit our research papers by April 11th (Myers, 2015, p.3). Pay attention to details! Quotation marks around quotations Complete sentences- you fill in your own words to make that happen- you must introduce the quotation! Source information in parentheses Notice where the period is!
1st peer edit: Words and phrases should be clear and specific Avoid ambiguity Use simple language Sentences, paragraphs, and paper should be concise Avoid redundancy (repetition) These are my beginning thoughts in terms of what we want students looking for. I’d also like to include content, organization, focus, and correctness of citations. What are your thoughts?
Formatting Typed and double-spaced Set 1” margins on all sides Use 12-pt Times New Roman font Include page numbers in upper right corner (header) Include title in upper left corner (header)
Sections in an APA paper Title page Abstract (summary)- we will not use since this paper is brief Main body References