This is a working title, it may need to be changed as there is already a short film with the same name. The name gives a small idea of the main plot of the film Author My email so that whoever receives it can contact me on their thoughts and whether or not they want to make it.
Slug lines – it all takes place on the interior in this film to represent the claustrophobic nature of sleep paralysis. This leaves us with a cliff hanger setting up the genre and leaves us wondering why and what he is scared of. Inspired by Lost in which the opening scene is an extreme close up of an eye that suddenly opens Names that are important are capitalised as the first time you see a character in a scene their name should be capitalised. This is done to inform the reader of who is in the scene One page = one minute in this script because there is a lot of description which will take longer to film. Deliberately leaves it open so you are wondering who is coming.
Page number This piece of dialogue sets up the next scene, I have used this technique a lot to help give the script a structure and to keep it flowing. It also helps to connect the two worlds of the film, the contrasting night and day. There is a constant switching between the two scenes each time this needs a new slug line and the names need to be capitalised which is something that needs to be changed in my next edit as here I have not done that correctly. (V.O) means a voiceover. The narration over the action is somewhat inspired by Forrest Gump.
The majority of the dialogue is question and answers giving the audiences the answers they need to understand what is going on without giving too much away or overcomplicating things. It also allows for exposition without a straight up voiceover narration. A scene change is needed here. The description of innocence in the above paragraph is then contrasted with a description of horror in the one directly below setting up the way the scene should be shot showing us the innocence first and then the demon side of her. Sound is capitalised to make it clear to the reader what they would be hearing in the scene.
Ellipses used to show that gap in time between the first part of his dialogue in the last scene and this part of his dialogue. Big chunk of dialogue explaining everything that just happened, almost acting as in incorrect recap allows the audience to know that the film is coming to an end. By now the audience are used to the set up of whatever the doctor learning leading into the next scene so this creates tension as you know the “final boss is coming up.” This time it is also not taking place in a voice over which could lead the audience to believe this is the finale. Twist ending leaves us with a cliff-hanger just like the very opening of the screenplay.