Tailor made legislation for regions and cities?


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Presentation transcript:

Tailor made legislation for regions and cities? Territorial Impact Assessment Work Programme Eleftherios StavropoulosDG REGIO

Workshop or Model ESPON and JRC Data Treaty of Lisbon 2009 Territorial Focus of Cohesion Policy Territorial Cohesion Goal Territorial Impact Assessments (Tool Box) Territorial Aware Policies / Legislation Workshop or Model ESPON and JRC Data Territorial impact Assessment The Treaty of Lisbon in 2009 added territorial cohesion along with economic and social cohesion as a European goal. TIA embedded in the Better Regulation Guidelines The Better Regulation guidelines, approved 19 May 2015, provide the basis for performing a territorial impact assessment. The guidelines include a methodology developed by DG REGIO, Tool #29 of the “Toolbox”, about when and how to assess territorial impacts. After the update in July 2017 it is now tool box 33 Quick Scan, Rhomolo and Luisa

Capitalised on experience of Committee of the Regions on TIA Mainstreaming TIA in Impact Assessment process of EU Test phase in 2016 (Quick Scan tool) Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (2010), evaluation New Skills Agenda for Europe (May 2016) TIA work programme for 2017 1. Directive on port reception facilities for ship generated waste & cargo residues (DG MOVE) 2. Minimum quality requirements for reused water in the EU (DG ENV) 3. Directive on clean and energy efficient road transport vehicles (DG MOVE) TIA work programme for 2018 Cross Border TIA …………………. Trainings and dissemination/ Improving methodologies

Analytical reports are produced with regard to potential territorial impacts.

Progress so far Source: RSB Annual Report 2016 Source: RSB Annual Report 2017

Tailor made legislation for regions and cities? Public consultations - submit comments National and European associations that are invited by Commission services to take part in stakeholder consultations and focus groups Your representatives at the Committee of the Regions Your representatives at the European Parliament and Council Urban Agenda partnerships

Lessons Learned TIA should be used when relevant Use of TIA has to be proportional TIA is not a separate assessment . It is an integrated part of the Impact Assessment process

Lessons Learned The TIA Quick Scan tool has its limitations as a methodology and the lack of adequate data or relevant indicators can limit is applicability. It is a good "decision" making tool and it can signal to Commission Services when and where more time and resources should be devoted to look into more detail when serious asymmetrical territorial impacts are detected. Therefore it is important to be used as early as possible Can provide early signals to Commission Services to analyze in more detail if needed during the I.A. (i.e. TOR for support studies for IA

Lessons Learned The TIA Quick Scan tool is a quick to deploy and cost efficient methodology to involve stakeholders from cities and regions Can build upon the work of other more robust and quantitative methodologies such as the LUISA modelling platform and RHOMOLO. LUISA and RHOMOLO are more fit to analyse Territorial Impacts of big political initiatives (i.e. future Cohesion Policy, future Common Agricultural Policy etc) while Quick Scan toll is better fit for directives, regulations etc.

Lessons Learned TIA provides the opportunity to consider better the specificities of different regions and territories something that helps the EU legislation to become more targeted but also provides to EU a more democratic and accountable profile. Especially this is more evident when we use Quick Scan methodology for TIAs where the participation of experts from cities and regions are taking part and the different local and territorial realities can be taken under consideration Quick Scan tool is more effective when analysing concrete Commission proposals and is less useful when analysing concepts.

New dimensions for TIA TIA is becoming more and more important. "Urban proofing" UA Partnerships' draft actions for better regulation focus on possible improvement of policy processes and legislation. DGs take active part there "Rural proofing, Cross Border and outermost proofing