The Road to Understanding Political Cartoons The Road to Understanding
Terms to Know Political Cartoon also know as an editorial cartoon. It is an illustration or comic strip containing a political or social message that usually relates to current events or personalities
Terms to Know Satire the use of humor, ridicule, sarcasm, or irony to make fun of an individual or event
Terms to Know Irony the use of words expressing something other than their literal intention Example Environmentalists driving Hummers, People who say they are anti-guns have weapons in their home.
Terms to Know Sarcasm witty language used to convey insults or scorn Example It is possible for your mind to be so open that your brain falls out I refuse to engage in an intellectual battle with an unarmed man Political cartoonists use satire to point out issues or inequities, or to take a position on political issues
Political Cartoon Analysis What seems to be going on in the cartoon? Who are the characters/actors? How do you know? What issue(s) seem to be important to the artist? What is the purpose of this cartoon? What has been exaggerated in the cartoon? Why is this done? Is this funny? Why or why not? How effective is the cartoon in communicating the cartoonist’s message(s)? Do you agree or disagree with the cartoonist’s message? Explain
Dove Peace
Olive Branch Peace, forgiveness
Vulture Preying on others, death
Buzzard Preying on others, death
Skull/Bones Death
Elephant Republican Party
Donkey Democratic Party
Phoenix Something new and powerful arising from destruction
Uncle Sam U.S. Government, American people
Tortoise Someone who moves slowly, a winner
Hare Someone who moves quickly, a loser
Capitol Building Dome Congress
White House The President
Scales, a balance Supreme Court, justice, fairness
Eagle American Government, the Constitution
Laurel Wreath Victory
Statue of Liberty Freedom
Liberty Bell Freedom
Acorn Growth, Youth
Bear Strength
Chains Bondage/Slavery
Dawn Beginning/Hope
Fog Confusion/Obscurity
Island Lost/Paradise/Isolation
Ivy Immortality or Dependence
Key Liberation/Knowledge/Mystery/Initiation
Lightning Sudden illumination/Destruction of ignorance
Oak Strength
Ocean The unfathomable/Formlessness/Chaos/or stability
Pen Learning/Knowledge/Creation of destinies
Raven Bad news/Death