Types of intonation The High-Fall The first type of intonation pattern is the high- fall. It is represented by (') preceding the syllable on which the pitch changes. The voice in this type starts high and falls to a low pitch. It is often used in the following way: In polite , friendly and verbless structure: E.g. 'Well In polite, friendly and interrogative structure with question word: E.g. What did you 'eat? In polite and friendly imperative structure: E.g. call me 'soon. In polite and friendly affirmative structure: E.g. this is the 'sitting room. In demanding agreement , tag-question structure: E.g. You aren't serious,'are you?
2. High-Rise The second type is Low-rise intonation patterns. In this case, the voice starts at a low or medium pitch and rises to a high pitch. This pattern is presented as (') and often used in these ways: When asking somebody to repeat in interrogative structure with question word. E.g. 'What did you hear? When asking for explanation in a form of verbless structure. E.g. 'Paris. In echoing in a form of interrogative structure to show astonishing and admiration. E.g. Do I know 'you? When expecting agreement in tag-question structure. E.g. you like to drink tea, 'don't you?
3. Low-Fall The third type is low-fall intonation pattern in which the voice starts at a medium pitch and falls to a low pitch. It is represented as (.). It is used as follows: In cold and reserved expressions (careless and not interested). It is presented in a form of interrogative structure with question word. E.g. .Who? In cold and reserved expressions and verbless structure. E.g. .Good. In serious and considered expressions in a form of imperative structure. E.g. turn .right a gain. In serious and considered expressions in a form of imperative structure with question word. E.g. What does he .play? In serious and considered expressions using affirmative structure. E.g. That's .right.
4. Low-Rise It is presented as (´). The fourth pattern is called low-rise intonation pattern. In this case, the voice starts low and rises to a medium pitch. It is used as follows: In friendly and polite expressions in an interrogative structure. E.g. ´Do you live near here? when expressing detached and reserving judgment in a form of interrogative structure with a question word. E.g. ´What did you say? In confident and reassuring expressions in a form of imperative structure. E.g. ´Press the button. In confident and reassuring expressions in a form of interrogative structure with question word. E.g. Where have you ´put it?
5. Fall-Rise The fifth type is Fall-Rise intonation in which the voice starts high, then falls, then rises. It is presented as (ˇ) and the following are the common usages of this type... It is used in expressing partial agreement in a form of affirmative structure. E.g. He is flying to ˇLondon. When warning in a form of imperative structure. E.g. Mind the ˇgap.
6. Rise- Fall This is the last type of intonation according to Kharma and Hajjaj (1989). In this type, the voice starts in a medium pitch or low pitch, then rises and then falls. It is presented as (ˆ). Here are the common usages of this intonation pattern. When expressing impressions in a form of verbless structure. E.g. ˆFantastic. When expressing impressions in a form of affirmative structure. E.g. It was ˆlovely