With the “Adagio” by Eleni Karaindrou recall every step of life


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Presentation transcript:

With the “Adagio” by Eleni Karaindrou recall every step of life SUNDAY 27th of the year Cycle B With the “Adagio” by Eleni Karaindrou recall every step of life

SERMON on the CHURCH 2nd PART In Jordan the Church rules are followed 1- Married couples must live love. All like children (today) 2- Launched of wealth, and poor by the gift of God (Sun 28) 3- All servers (Sun 29) 4- “To understand it” with the eyes of FAITH (Sun 30) Jerash (ancient) Gerasa, Jordan

These stones of the c. I evoke the words of Jesus These stones of the c.I evoke the words of Jesus. Will we know how to be His Church?

Mc 10:2-16 And Pharisees came up and in order to test him asked, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?"

Do not you think on what is permitted, but what is BEST Laws do not work when there is LOVE

He answered them, "What did Moses command you He answered them, "What did Moses command you?" They said, "Moses allowed a man to write a certificate of divorce and to send her away."

Everything starts with the infidelity of the heart Law allows divorce, but the real evil is to stop loving you

And Jesus said to them, "Because of your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment. But from the beginning of creation, 'God made them male and female.' 'Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.' So they are no longer two but one flesh.

It is hard to go against yourself Called to be FAMILY, where the other is bone of your bones and flesh of your flesh It is hard to go against yourself

What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate."

The day wanes, the slope begins LOVE grows with time The day wanes, the slope begins

And in the house the disciples asked him again about this matter And in the house the disciples asked him again about this matter. And he said to them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her, and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery."

Adultery begins when love loses its way "When everything becomes pain, come to Me that I am the Lord of ALL" (St. Gregory the Great)

And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them.

Like children, each day start over Is small who always goes forward, without being tired

But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, "Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.

My Kingdom is confident of living Don’t you know that I'm greater than your sins?

Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.

Don’t you realize that I am a God-Mother? Be a Church-Mother

Lord, grant that your CHURCH lives the Love of the Kingdom, WELCOMING everyone, whatever their situation is.