Crisps, Salty Snacks and Nuts UK January 2012
and Forecast Total market value of Crisps, Salty Snacks and Nuts, 2006-16 Mintel/based on SymphonyIRI Group InfoScan
and Forecast Total market value of Crisps and Salty Snacks, 2006-16* * includes meat snacks and popcorn Mintel/based on SymphonyIRI Group InfoScan
and Forecast Total market value of Nuts, 2006-16 Mintel/based on SymphonyIRI Group InfoScan
- Crisps, Salty Snacks and Nuts by type UK Retail value sales of Crisps, Salty Snacks and Nuts by type, 2011 * includes rice-based snacks, pretzels and fish/seafood snacks Mintel/based on SymphonyIRI Group InfoScan
- Crisps and Salty Snacks Market share of Crisps and Salty Snacks, by brand, 2011 Mintel
- Nuts Market share of Nuts, by brand, 2011 Mintel
- Usage by type Types of Crisps, Salty Snacks and Nuts eaten, November 2011 “Thinking about crisps and salty snacks, which of these have you eaten in the last six months?” Toluna/Mintel 1,500 internet users aged 16+
- Repertoire of usage by type Repertoire of usage of Crisps, Salty Snacks and Nuts, by type, November 2011 Toluna/Mintel 1,500 internet users aged 16+
- Usage by location Locations for eating Crisps, Salty Snacks and Nuts, November 2011 “On which of these locations, if any, do you eat crisps, nuts and salty snacks?” Toluna/Mintel 1,389 internet users aged 16+ who eat crisps and salty snacks
- Usage by occasion Occasions for eating Crisps, Salty Snacks and Nuts, November 2011 “When do you typically eat crisps, nuts and salty snacks?” Toluna/Mintel 1,389 internet users aged 16+ who eat crisps and salty snacks
- Choice Factors by type Most important factors when choosing Crisps, Salty Snacks and Nuts, November 2011 “Now thinking about the crisps, nuts and salty snacks you buy, please identify the five most important factors when choosing what to buy?” Toluna/Mintel 1,389 internet users aged 16+ who eat crisps and salty snacks
- Attitudes towards Crisps and Salty Snacks Attitudes towards Crisps and Salty Snacks, November 2011 “To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:” Toluna/Mintel 1,389 internet users aged 16+ who eat crisps and salty snacks
- Attitudes towards Nuts Attitudes towards Nuts, November 2011 “To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:” Toluna/Mintel 1,389 internet users aged 16+ who eat crisps and salty snacks
- Attitudes towards Popcorn Attitudes towards Popcorn, November 2011 “To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:” Toluna/Mintel 1,389 internet users aged 16+ who eat crisps and salty snacks
- Crisps, Salty Snacks and Nuts Health-conscious Health dictates their choice of snack. More likely to be women than men. New flavours and better-for-you snacks likely to chime with these users. Budgeters (23%) Relatively restrained usage of snacks. Price prioritised by three quarters of Budgeters. May respond to products messages relating to value, provenance and health. Enthusiasts Strongly driven by under-35s. High engagement with the market with above-average usage for most types of snack. Indulgents (12%) Likely to be heavy users of standard crisps, while neglecting other snack types. Likely to be inflexible and stick to their favourite flavours and brands. Undriven Despite having a wide snacking repertoire, this group is vague in terms of choice factors and attitudes. Flavour and brand name are perhaps the two most likely factors to engage these users. Toluna/Mintel 1,389 internet users aged 16+ who eat crisps and salty snacks
Chris Wisson Senior Food Analyst