Solus Email Guideline Our solus e-mails can go out on Wednesdays or Fridays; All assets should be with us at least 2 working days prior. Please confirm availability with ITV Breakfast Sales Team on 020 7827 7109 or 020 7827 7104 This Orange background represents the space where your solus email is going to be displayed. The creative area is 728 px wide by a max of 1000 px high. approximately prints the email on a single page. Please horizontally slice your creative (one single image per slice => all images are 728 px wide), host the images as jpg, and provide us with the image URL for each slice such as “ ”. Max Number of Slices 6, Min Number of Slices 1 Please note that each image slice can be maximum 40KB. Please also provide some words to use in the subject line of the solus e-mail.