Why Join The Church? Ephesians 4:15-16 3/118/2017
What is a Church? “The local church is a gathering of those who believe in Jesus Christ as Savoir and Lord, are committed to meet regularly for worship, teaching, fellowship, and prayer, and who help make disciples of all people.” (Steven Cole)
Is Church Membership a Biblical Concept? Paul’s picture Ephesians 4:15-16 Scripture: Matthew 18:17; I Corinthians 5:12-13, 17:18; I John 2:29; Acts 11:26, 12:1,5; 14:23,27, 20:28; I Peter 5:2-3
Why Should I Join a Local Church? “If the church is central to God’s purpose, as seen in both history and the gospel, it must surly also be central to our lives. How can we take lightly what God take so seriously? How dare we push to the circumference what God has placed at the center?” (John Stott)
Five Reasons To Join A Local Church Should join a local church because: Christ loves the church and gave Himself for her; you should love His church and commit yourself to her well-being. Ephesians 5:25
Five Reasons To Join A Local Church Should join a local church because: The church is where you learn practically to love God and love others (Two greatest commandments). I John 4:20 You need to place yourself under spiritual shepherds who care for you and will give an account for your soul. Hebrews 13:17
Five Reasons To Join A Local Church Should join a local church because: It is the means Jesus ordained to fulfill His Great Commission. Philippians 1:27 So that you have a specific place to serve the Lord. I Peter 4:10
What Does Church Membership Entail? Membership is a commitment to: Seek to live by the church’s covenant. Participate regularly in the church’s gathering for worship, teaching and fellowship. Hebrews 10:25 Believe in and adopt the church’s doctrine and practices.
What Does Church Membership Entail? Membership is a commitment to: The church’s members, to give and receive loving service to help one another to grow in Christ. Help support the church with your finances; as the Lord prospers you. I Corinthians 9:14