Fifth Intergovernmental Conference Biodiversity in Europe


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Presentation transcript:

Fifth Intergovernmental Conference Biodiversity in Europe 22-24 September 2009, Liege In the framework of PEBLDS Hosted by the government of Norway, with support of Belgium, UNEP and the Council of Europe

Objectives Bring together different stakeholders, initiate partnerships Input to the post 2010 biodiversity framework Discuss implementation challenges of the CBD

NGO preparation Background document Preparatory meeting Messages

3 themes Valuing ecosystem services Biodiversity and climate change Post 2010 vision for the pan-European region

Chair’s Conclusions 2010 target failed Urgent need for strenghtened efforts Need for improved science-policy interface Biodiversity: security, insurance, buffer in climate change

Theme II recommendations Maintain the integrity of biodiversity and ecosystem services Dialogue and exchange between communities Coherence of policies and instruments Communication kits

Theme II recommendations Invest in biodiversity for mitigation and adaptation EfE 2011 Some basic research still necessary Adaptive management of bidi and ES based on precautionary approach

Theme II recommendations Green infrastructure, incl. spatial planning, multifunctional landscapes Decrease other stresses to biodiversity Biodiversity risk assessment in EIA, consider cumulative effects, use climate scenarios

Theme II recommendations Monitoring and early warning systems, appropriate indicators Monitor, control, eradicate IAS Analyze and redirect incentive measures and production systems

Theme II recommendations Mitigation measures take due consideration of biodiversity concerns Priority to multiple-win solutions

Expected outcomes Post 2010 biodiversity strategic framework for pan-Europe New CBD strategic plan CBD COP10 Copenhagen

CEEWEB Kuruclesi út 11/A H-1021 Budapest Tel:+36-13980135 Thank you for your attenttion! Q&A CEEWEB Kuruclesi út 11/A H-1021 Budapest Tel:+36-13980135