Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte
Emily Bronte Born July 30, 1818, one of six children; mother died when Bronte was 3 Lived in a desolate area of Haworth, Yorkshire, England Raised by an aunt who indulged the children’s imaginations Sister to Charlotte and Anne Died December 19, 1848
The novel Industrial Revolution was in full force in English economy Cash was more important than land, so the middle class had more power than the upper class Hareton-farming class Lintons-landed gentry Heathcliff-capitalist Two marriages in the novel are possible because of change in class system Framework story with changing narrators
Rights of Women Married women could not own property until 1882 Daughters did not automatically inherit property unless provided for in a will Estates could be entailed to a male relative
Romanticism A result of the changes brought on by the Industrial Revolution These elements make the novel Romantic Nature is a powerful force Descriptions of the countryside Elevated level of passion Strong images of death Portrayal of opposites: escape/pursuit; calm/turbulence; class Isolation: physical and emotional Supernatural elements
Gothic Literature Late 1700s to deal with changes brought on by revolutions Elements: Haunted/ruined mansions/castles Extreme landscapes/weather Death Insanity Omens and curses Supernatural Villains/villain-heroes driven by passion Curious/persecuted heroine Revenge
Byronic hero-the lure of the bad guy Conflicting emotions and moodiness Self-criticism Mysterious origins Distaste for society and social norms Self-destructive tendencies A loner