YEI reporting: Overview of questions received by the ESF Data Support Centre ESF Support Centre Alphametrics Ltd. & Applica Sprl. Brussels, 12 March 2015
Questions on reporting obligations What are the requirements for YEI operations? Report common indicators in addition to YEI indicators. Do the structured data on the implementation of YEI (2015) have to be approved by the Monitoring Committee? No legal requirement, but they should be examined once a year. Common indicators (Annex I) YEI indicators (Annex II) Output Annually - Immediate result Longer-term result AIR2018 and final report (RS) Annually (RS) Broken down by : gender, region, and IP gender and IP
Questions on immediate result indic. (i) What can be counted for immediate result indicators ? ESF operation (as employment or education)? YES Subsidised employment? YES (monitoring indicators do not refer to quality of offers, all offers are counted equally) Should traineeship be always counted as employment? Yes, if receiving remuneration and paying social contributions. Completing YEI supported intervention: Definition of YEI intervention = 4 months YG service phase? YEI intervention = any support received through YEI (both service & offer). Is there a minimum attendance for this indicator? Full participation from start to finish required, occasional absence (justifiable) can be accepted; minimum can be set (e.g. 90%). What can be counted for result indicators: - Subsidised employment: note that the quality of offers is not assessed for YEI monitoring (only for evaluation) See Guidance on evaluation of YEI. Completing YEI supported intervention: Minimum attendance: -“Completion of intervention is to be understood that the participant attends the intervention according to schedule until the last day/last session of its scheduled end”. This implies full participation from start to finish. -occasional absence due to sickness or similar justifiable reason can be accepted. For these cases a threshold for minimum participation can be set (for instance 90%), but it should be applied consistently
Questions on immediate result indic. (ii) Reference population - unemployed and inactive: “Unemployed”: NEET registered with the PES, and “inactive, not in education/training”: NEET not registered with the PES? NO. Unemployed: all NEETs registered as unemployed with PES + NEETS registered with the PES in other categories who are unemployed + NEETs who are not registered with the PES but who are unemployed. Inactive, not in educ./training: NEETs who are not registered as unemployed with the PES (they may be registered other categories) who are not unemployed according to the ILO definition.
Questions on longer-term result indic. Who is responsible for collecting the data? Up to MS to decide Representative sample: Should representativeness regarding employment status be the same for samples for indicators in Annex I and Annex II? Slightly different due to eligibility criteria: If all participants are in the same age group within a specific objective, should sample representativeness be ensured by age? Samples are to be drawn at level of IP (i.e. samples should reflect the proportion of participants in the investment priority from each age group). Common longer-term YEI longer-term Employed Unemployed Inactive - Employed - Unemployed -Inactive YEI longer-term: Employment status that apply for YEI participants are only Unemployed, and inactive (which will all be not in education/training).
Other questions Should participants going directly to the YG offer phase, (without going to YG service phase) be monitored? Which result indicators? Should be counted as participant if the offer is a YEI supported intervention. No result indicator on “receiving an offer” should be recorded unless another offer is received upon leaving the YEI operation.
ESF data support centre Advice and guidance on: Methodological support on monitoring information systems Clarification regarding data collection, recording, validation and storage Guidance regarding transmission of structured data to the EC using SFC2014 (technical queries > SFC support team) 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. Monday-Friday E-mail: Phone: +44 1480 702003