Important ideas that resurface in story after story… Universal Themes Important ideas that resurface in story after story…
The Great Journey The hero starts out at home, gets some kind of call (or reason) to go on an incredible adventure, and then takes off into the unknown where he or she encounters all kinds of craziness.
Loss of Innocence This can be sad and difficult (like in the books we just read) or totally and completely inappropriate (think American Pie), but it’s always a popular story!
The Great Battle We LOVE war movies, war stories, and battles of good vs. evil.
Noble Sacrifice Everyone loves a hero…How far would you go to help someone?
The Power of Love (and Friendship) “Chick flicks” and love stories…they always seem to have an audience
Revenge If somebody does something mean, you have to get them back, right?
The Big Trick Someone (or a group of people) spends most of the story trying to trick everyone else…and usually it works!
The Big Mystery everyone always loves the suspense of solving a mystery