Worldwide ENC Database Working Group (WENDWG) Report 15th Southern African & Islands Hydrographic Commission Meeting (SAIHC) Seychelles, 27 to 30 August 2018
Worldwide ENC Database Working Group (WENDWG) Report Report of the 8th WENDWG meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina (20-22 March 2018) WENDWG meeting was hosted by the Hydrographic Service of the Navy (SHN) of Argentina. The 3rd joint meeting of the Regional ENC Coordinating Centres (RENC), IC-ENC and PRIMAR was held prior to WENDWG8 meeting. The 8th WENDWG meeting was chaired by Mr Jamie McMichael- Phillips (United Kingdom). Mr Jamie McMichael-Phillips (UK) and Mr John Nyberg (US) were re- elected as Chair and Vice-Chair of the WENDWG respectively. 15th Southern African & Islands Hydrographic Commission Meeting (SAIHC) Seychelles, 27 to 30 August 2018
Worldwide ENC Database Working Group (WENDWG) Report Thirty-two delegates from thirteen Member States attended Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, France, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States Eleven Regional Hydrographic Commissions represented ARHC, BSHC, EAHC, EAtHC, MACHC, MBSHC, NHC, NSHC, SAIHC, SWAtHC and USCHC Five expert contributors from industry stakeholders and academia participated as observers 15th Southern African & Islands Hydrographic Commission Meeting (SAIHC) Seychelles, 27 to 30 August 2018
Worldwide ENC Database Working Group (WENDWG) Report Following the adoption of the IHO Resolution 1/2018 Elimination of overlapping ENC data in areas of demonstrable risk to the safety of navigation It was noted that the IHO has the necessary tools in place to reach the objective of the elimination of overlapping ENC data Overlap checker, IC-ENC policy as a decision aid on risk assessment and the new Edition 3.1.0 of S-11 Part A – Guidance for the preparation and maintenance of ENC schemes. 15th Southern African & Islands Hydrographic Commission Meeting (SAIHC) Seychelles, 27 to 30 August 2018
Worldwide ENC Database Working Group (WENDWG) Report It was agreed to investigate acquiring a world-wide AIS (Automatic Identification System) traffic density database This would facilitate assessment of gaps in ENC coverage by ENC Producers and the International Charting Coordination Working Groups (ICCWG) The aim is to make the database available through the enhanced version of the INToGIS system (INToGIS II) Representatives of the six RHCs present agreed to test INToGIS II. 15th Southern African & Islands Hydrographic Commission Meeting (SAIHC) Seychelles, 27 to 30 August 2018
Worldwide ENC Database Working Group (WENDWG) Report WENDWG agreed to commission a more user-friendly version of the IHO ENC Coverage Catalogue The IHO ENC Coverage Catalogue has been under development since 2016 as part of the actions identified for a better implementation of the WEND Principles 15th Southern African & Islands Hydrographic Commission Meeting (SAIHC) Seychelles, 27 to 30 August 2018
Worldwide ENC Database Working Group (WENDWG) Report WENDWG commended the high quality support provided by IC- ENC and PRIMAR WENDWG noted the establishment of the East Asia-Regional ENC Coordination Centre (EA-RECC) The representative of the EA-RECC was invited to participate in the future Joint RENCs e-meetings 15th Southern African & Islands Hydrographic Commission Meeting (SAIHC) Seychelles, 27 to 30 August 2018
Worldwide ENC Database Working Group (WENDWG) Report WENDWG discussed the need for non-ECDIS mandated vessels to access the most updated navigational data (S-57) WENDWG invited the RENCs to consider the way forward for offering harmonized license management services to their Members to facilitate non-ECDIS mandated vessel use of S-57 data WENDWG Members also agreed to consider supporting the GEBCO Seabed 2030 Initiative as soon as this enlargement of the scope of the WENDWG is endorsed by IRCC 15th Southern African & Islands Hydrographic Commission Meeting (SAIHC) Seychelles, 27 to 30 August 2018
Worldwide ENC Database Working Group (WENDWG) Report WENDWG reviewed its work programme and agreed on the top priority work items to be proposed for IRCC’s endorsement One additional work item was added – B.4 Make available an AIS traffic density database to the IHO Member States through the IHO GIS System (INToGIS II,…) The 9th meeting of the WENDWG is scheduled to be held in Brest, France, in early 2019 15th Southern African & Islands Hydrographic Commission Meeting (SAIHC) Seychelles, 27 to 30 August 2018
Worldwide ENC Database Working Group (WENDWG) Report IRCC10 WENDWG Recommendations to RHCs: Reinforce the fact that the one-year “clock” to resolve overlaps should begin once the overlapping issues have been reported to ENC producers (as stated in paragraph 5 of the new adopted IHO Resolution 1/2018 – IHO CL 19/2018 refers). Endorse that the management of overlap cases should be implemented by RHCs. Note that RHCs should make their own assessment of the level of navigational risk for ENC overlaps using one of the RENCs' Policy on Risk Assessment as a first step where applicable. Encourage RHCs to provide updated reports on the implementation of ENC Schemes to the WENDWG in advance of the yearly WG meeting. Note the recommendation that RENCs might consider offering an S-57 license management service to support safety of navigation for all classes of vessels. 15th Southern African & Islands Hydrographic Commission Meeting (SAIHC) Seychelles, 27 to 30 August 2018
Worldwide ENC Database Working Group (WENDWG) Report France comment on IRCC report to C2: The implementation of IHO resolution 1/2018 raised some difficulties at ICC meetings which were reported at WENDWG-8 and IRCC-10. One difficulty lies in the agreement on prioritization of risks which is not reached between the ENC producers in several cases. This may prevent the full implementation of the resolution in particular when there is no agreement on which overlaps have to be processed within one year. France proposes that IRCC11: Draws up an assessment within one year of the effectiveness of the application of the resolution 1/2018 including an analysis of the uniformity of its application in the different regional committees; and Eventually formulates proposals to improve the efficiency of its implementation. 15th Southern African & Islands Hydrographic Commission Meeting (SAIHC) Seychelles, 27 to 30 August 2018