Data Acceptance and De-Accessioning Plans R. Weaver & R. Duerr
Data Acceptance Plan Status Data Acceptance Plan for the NSIDC DAAC (V9) was released July 30, 2009 V9 has no substantive changes Levels of Service section was split into its own document since it has been adopted NSIDC-wide DAAC Total Anticipated Effort table reformatted Three data sets have been reviewed by PoDAG and appropriate recommendations sent to NASA HQ Several other data sets are ready for prioritization at the PoDAG meeting. Data Acceptance and De-Accessioning Plans for the NSIDC DAAC Presented to PoDAG, October 2009
Data Acceptance Workflow Submitter completes submission form DAAC mgr assigns to a product team Product team assesses effort (Level of Services, etc.) and documents PoDAG reviews document and provides recommendation If recommendation is favorable, it is submitted to NASA HQ If HQ blesses it the data is ingested and archived at the recommended LoS Data Acceptance and De-Accessioning Plans for the NSIDC DAAC Presented to PoDAG, October 2009
Data De-Accessioning Plan for the DAAC Summer intern drafted a de-accessioning plan Proposed process is parallel to the acceptance process Draft needs to be tailored specifically for the DAAC Once tailored and reviewed internally the draft will be made available on the PoDAG site and briefed to PoDAG via telecon. Data Acceptance and De-Accessioning Plans for the NSIDC DAAC Presented to PoDAG, October 2009