Progrommers & Animation Physics – Forces & Magnets Music P-bone French Classroom instructions Colours RE What are the deeper meanings of the festivals? PSHCE 4 ICT – we are Progrommers & Animation Control devices by programming instructions Know and use the internet safety rules Art and DT Art work based on scenes from the Iron Man Pencil drawings, sketching and shading Develop and share ideas of Robots in a sketchbook and in finished products Learn about artist Eric Joyner and use his ‘Robots and Donuts’ work as inspiration Design and build a robot using different modelling materials (link to Science) PE Outdoor & Adventure Dance History Study history of interest to pupils: Robotics Science Physics – Forces & Magnets Measure a force (push/pull) and look at the effect of gravity and drag forces Investigate gears, pulleys, levers and springs Look at attraction and repulsion English – The Iron Man Homophones/ Direct Speech/Fronted Adverbials Plan and write effective character and setting descriptions Read and respond to a story identifying issues or dilemmas for characters Write a letter from a character’s point of view to explain events of a story Write a news report to explain events using formal organisational devices Weekly Guided Reading Maths Compare and order numbers up to 1000 Fractions Solve problems involving x and ÷ Draw 2D shapes, make 3D shapes Right angles Count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50, 100 Find 10 or 100 more or less than a number Measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths, mass and volume/capacity Money and telling the time Recall & use x and ÷ facts for 3, 4, 8xtables Class 3 Spring Term 2018 Rise of the Robots