capricious: adjective definition: given to sudden changes
capricious pronunciation: kuh-pree-shuhs
capricious synonyms: fickle temperamental unpredictable waffling whimsical arbitrary impulsive variable flighty mercurial
capricious adverb capriciously noun capriciousness caprice related forms: adverb capriciously noun capriciousness caprice
capricious Candice’s capricious attitude left others fearing what her next erratic mood would be.
capricious The girl’s capricious nature kept the boys from knowing where they stood.
capricious The rapidly changing colors on the mood ring reflected the girl’s capricious nature.
caprice Mere caprice dictated the woman’s moods.
capriciousness Super Mario’s many costumes reflect his capriciousness.
capriciously Unable to stick to a decision, she capriciously changed her mind.
capriciously The woman capriciously tried on shoes until the salesman depleted his stock.