What do you think? Put yourself in Truman’s shoes Write 1 paragraph about why you would or would not drop the bomb
Manhattan Project
Atomic Bomb ends WWII Manhattan Project- Creation of the Atomic Bomb (A- Bomb) Los Alamos, New Mexico Part of the project was developed at Iowa State University-Research and Development Two primary leaders Leslie Groves: Building facilities, recruiting scientists, security Physicist, Robert Oppenhiemer: Construction July 16th, 1945- First atomic bomb is tested Alamogordo, New Mexico Could be seen 180 mi. away and heard 100 mi. away Truman now faces difficult decision Axis power also had nuclear scientists Would this save lives by not sending troops in? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwHds1any9Y ISU- US Dept. of energy research lab
Hiroshima August 6th, 1945 Hiroshima hit 9:14 AM 60,000 dead or missing within two minutes Soviets declare war on Japan and invade Manchuria No unconditional surrender from Japan which was the intended effect, Soviet Union declared war on Japan and invaded Manchuria
Nagasaki August 9th, 1945 Bomb dropped on Nagasaki killing 35,000 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncq_Wye43TM
Primary Source Dr. Michihiko Hachiya – Lived in Hiroshima and had a first hand account of the bomb that had gone off.
Japan Surrenders Hirohito surrenders 2nd is when it was made official, celebrated on Aug. 15th Hirohito surrenders September 2nd aboard the USS Missouri
Reflection Look back to your decision about the atomic bomb. Has it changed, why or why not?