Lesson Two: Pitch and frequency Studio Magic Lesson Two: Pitch and frequency
To understand frequency, pitch and wavelength. Expected Learning: To understand frequency, pitch and wavelength.
Key Words: Waves Pitch Frequency Wavelength
Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz). The frequency of a sound is the number of vibrations per second. Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz). Explain SS
A high-pitched note has a high frequency A high-pitched note has a high frequency. The frequency of top A is 880 Hz. A low-pitched note has a low frequency. The frequency of middle C is 262 Hz. Explain
Task One: Watch the video “How to make a tone in Audacity” in the lesson two materials Create a : Top A Middle C Experiment with very high pitched sounds – what is the highest frequency tone you can hear?
The wavelength of a wave is the distance between two peaks. So this wave has a smaller wavelength ... ... than this one. Explain SS
A question to ponder… Do you think the Frequency and Wavelength of waves might be linked? You might like to run the “sound_en.jar” simulation in the theory lesson two folder – as you make the frequency of a sound increase – what happens to the wavelength?
Task Two : Research Ultrasound : Find out what Ultrasound is. In your book write down: Two examples of how Humans use Ultrasound. Two types of animals that use ultrasound, and how…
Test your Knowledge: True or False: Wavelength is the speed at which waves travel. Frequency is measured in Hertz. Pitch is another word for frequency.
Test your Knowledge: Frequency is measured in : A) Metres B) The number of vibrations per second C) Pressure D) Octaves