MDM-PAB Meeting –Uttarakhand on 25.04.2013 Mid Day Meal Scheme MDM-PAB Meeting –Uttarakhand on 25.04.2013 Ministry of HRD Government of India
ISSUES Delay in the release of funds Less coverage of working days. Less coverage of children in Udham Singh Nagar, Haridwar and Dehradun Food grains and LPG not delivered at school level in hilly areas. Less meetings of State Level Steering-cum-Monitoring Committee (One). No meeting of District Vigilance & Monitoring Committee Mismatch in the data of AWP&B-2014-15 and MIS-MDM. Honorarium paid in cash to the cook-cum-helpers in remote area schools.
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Best Practices Rs. 750.00 contributed by State for honorarium to each cook-cum-helper per month against the mandated Rs.250.00 (Total Honorairum Rs.1500.00 per month) Incentive of Rs.1000/- paid annually to each Cook-cum-helper in addition to honorarium. Grading of schools introduced using 20 Point evaluation format Smokeless Chullahs installed in 14 schools on pilot basis. Partial (50%) e-transfer of funds at school level and 100% e-transfer at district levels. 60 cook cum helpers trained as Master Trainer by Institute of Hotel Management, Dehradun. 14655 Cook-cum-helpers have been trained by SCERT, Dehradun and training for the remaining has started. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Contti…. Kitchen gardens established in 237 schools. Rs. 1000 given to all schools for procuring soaps, nail cutter, aprons, head cover, gloves etc. Hoardings/Banners on Hand Wash sponsored by Canara Bank under CSR Recipes and guideline booklet “mŸkjk[k.M esa e/;kºu Hkkstu gsr qO;atu ,o afunsZf'kdk" distributed to all schools. Compendium of orders on MDMS by GOI and GOUK printed and distributed to the departments of Education, Health, Supply, Child Development etc. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage of Children (Primary ) No. of Children (in Lakhs) 80% 84% 80% ASER Report, 2013 – 90.2% attendance on the day of visit. Percentage indicates coverage of children against the Total Enrollment Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage of Children (Upper Primary) No. of Children (in Lakhs) 80% 85% 81% ASER Report, 2013 – 90.2% attendance on the day of visit. Percentage indicates coverage against Enrollment Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Less Coverage of Children(Primary) 2012-13 2013-14 Severe Anaemia Level District Enrolment Avg. Availed MDM % Less Coverage USNagar 91169 64063 30% 88567 63023 29% 5.2 Haridwar 97167 74291 24% 96795 69965 28% 3.1 Dehradun 57317 44581 22% 57219 37280 35% 2.1 Chamoli 28346 25958 8% 25563 20794 19% 4.1 Almora 40012 36411 9% 39045 32514 17% 0.0
Less Coverage of Children (Upper Primary) 2012-13 2013-14 Severe Anemia Level District Enrolment Avg. Availed MDM % Less coverage Dehradun 36909 30024 19% 37768 25010 34% 2.1 US Nagar 58079 40556 30% 57533 39769 31% 5.2 Haridwar 47258 35958 24% 47381 34255 28% 3.1 Chamoli 20573 18777 9% 19394 15683 4.1 Almora 34576 31285 10% 33739 28238 16% 0.0
Comparison of data: MIS vs AWP&B Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
SCORE CARD- ALL COMPONENTS Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Analysis of State’s Proposal for 2014-15 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposals and Recommendations S. No Component PAB Approval 2013-14 Proposal for 2014-15 Recommendation 1 Children (Pry) 502000 445670 2 Children (U Pry) 338000 305841 3 NCLP 154 110 4 Working Day (Pry and U Pry) 246– Pry & U Pry, 312 NCLP 241– Pry& U Pry, 313 NCLP 241– Pry & U Pry, 313 NCLP 5 Kitchen cum Store Nil Cook cum Helper 32989 No Additional 6 Replacement of Kitchen Devices 7899 5677 7 MME Plan Yes as per norms 3.66 Cr. more than GOI norms As per norms 8 Notional Requirement of Central Assistance Rs. 110.38 crore Rs. 100.05 crore Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposal for 2014-15 : Children (Primary) No. of children (in lakhs) Enrolment PAB Approval 13-14 Availed MDM in Q-1 Availed MDM (9 months) Availed MDM in Q-2 Availed MDM in Q-3 Proposal for 2014-15 State’s proposal for maximum coverage of children in Q1. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposal for 2014-15 : Children (Upper Primary) No. of children (in Lakhs) PAB Approval for 13-14 Availed MDM (9 months) Availed MDN in Q-1 Availed MDM in Q-3 Proposal for 2014-15 Availed MDM in Q-2 Enrolment State’s proposal for maximum coverage of children in Q1. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Thank You
Summary of performance - Physical Percentage Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Summary of performance – Financial Percentage Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage : School Health Programme Details Institutions Children Total in State 18098 904827 Health Check 14027 713080 IFA Distribution 343418 Vitamin ‘A’ Distribution 13857 De-worming Tablets 535341 Spectacles 2902 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Availability of Infrastructure Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Status on Pre-requisite steps for AWP&B Plan should be approved by SSMC Meeting Yes 100% payment of honorarium shall be made to cook cum helpers up to December 2013 100% payment of cost of food grains shall be made to FCI up to 31st December 2013 94% Separate and detailed MME plan. Bank account should be opened for cook cum helpers Yes (50%) Plan should also be submitted through MDM-MIS Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Contd.. Pre-requisite step Status Annual and Monthly data entry for the FY 2013-14 should be completed up to December 2013. Yes ATN on commitments given by the State Govt. during PAB Meeting of 2013-14. ATN on findings of reports of MI and recommendations of JRM reports Yes, (JRM is to visit the State in May, 2014) Plan should be submitted within the scheduled date in hard and soft copies both. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India