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Student Health and Wellbeing Survey & School Environment Questionnaire Your feedback
Student Health and Wellbeing Survey
Student Health and Wellbeing Survey Schools 193 schools took part 91% of all maintained secondary and middle schools in Wales 104 schools took part for the first time
Student Health and Wellbeing Survey Students 112,045 students took part ~60% of all students in maintained, mainstream secondary education in Wales 16 schools surveyed over 1,000 students 89% of schools surveyed over 50% of their students in years 7 to 11 15% of schools surveyed over 90% of their students in years 7 to 11 172/193 over 50% 29/193 over 90% (1 in 7)
School and student participation over the term
School Environment Questionnaire 160 completed (75%) 74% of schools completed both student survey and School Environment Questionnaire
Student Health and Wellbeing Survey School Environment Questionnaire School Level Data on need; inform local action and evaluation Population Level Data on trends in health; changes in environments; health need and population planning Regional Level Data to support evaluation of interventions; identification and prioritisation of need; new and emerging issues Research Data to inform research studies; baseline data; knowledge transfer; research ready schools and infrastructure Policy Relevant Data to support policy evaluation across Government departments; system level change
Student Health and Wellbeing Survey Incorporating your feedback Water and sugary foods School mental health provision Late night electronic screen use Reasons for bullying Social network site membership and phone ownership
Student Health and Wellbeing Reports New charts in 2018 Water Sedentary free time School support for students who are unhappy, worried or unable to cope Late night screen use Social network site membership Reasons for bullying Action against sexualised name calling of boys Young carers
Student Health and Wellbeing Survey Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Survey 88 schools 31,000 students International data set and report
Student Health and Wellbeing Survey Data Linkage and Longitudinal Research Project Students asked to give their name, date of birth and postcode at end of survey 39 schools ~50% consented to both types of research Next step – explore school and student level influences on consent
Regional and National Reports Local Authority level reports In preparation To be circulated to Directors of Education, Directors of Public Health and Healthy School Coordinators National level reports HBSC/SHRN national report to be published in the autumn Children and Young People’s Wellbeing Monitor for Wales Active Healthy Kids Report Card for Wales
Discussion questions If your school took part in the student survey: What worked well at your school in terms of organising the survey? What sort of things disrupted your plans? How could the Network improve the survey process? If your school did not take part in the student survey: What prevented you from taking part? What could the Network have helped you complete the survey at your school?
Discussion questions New in 2018: Providing an anticipated start date – was this helpful? Dashboard – did you use it? Was it helpful? Ipsos MORI – any feedback welcome! Sexual behaviour questions – did you make the right year group choice for your school? Data linkage video – was this a good format to convey information to students? Concerns raised by students, parents, staff? Ways to engage staff and support classroom delivery?
Discussion questions School Environment Questionnaire How did you approach completing it? Do you prefer paper or electronic format? Any other feedback?
Discussion feedback Top tips to share and feedback for 2019/20 What worked well at your school and how could we improve: Student survey Preparation Implementation Non-participation School Environment Questionnaire