Multidimensional Arrays December 6, 2017
Multidimensional Arrays Sometimes, it is useful to have an array with more than one index. The following syntax declares an array with two indexes (the first from 0 to 29, the second from 0 to 99): char page[30][100]; The elements of this array all have two indexes: page[0][0] page[15][32] page[29][99]
Multidimensional Arrays The most common number of indexes for a multidimensional array is 2. Think of it as the first index giving the row and the second the column: page[0][0] page[0][1] ... page[0][99] page[1][0] page[1][1] ... page[1][99] page[2][0] page[2][1] ... page[2][99] ... page[29][0] page[29][1] ... page[29][99]
Multidimensional Arrays as Parameters Recall that when using a one-dimensional array as a function parameter, the brackets are empty: void print_array(int a[], int elements); When using a multidimensional array as a parameter, the size of every dimension after the first must be given! Generally there will also be a parameter to represent the size of the first dimension. Example: void get_page(char p[][100], int size_1);