What is Propaganda? What is a fallacy? is designed to persuade its purpose is to influence your opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior What is a fallacy? False argument- based on faulty logic
Bandwagon Everybody is doing this. If you want to fit in, you need to “jump on the bandwagon” and do it too. The implication is that you must JOIN in to FIT in. Clipart-Microsoft Office XP 2002
Slippery Slope a relatively small first step leads to catastrophe like an object given a small push over the edge of a slope sliding all the way to the bottom.
Mud slinging the use of insults, especially unjust ones, with the aim of damaging the reputation of an opponent. Name calling #roasted #burned #shotsfired
Hasty Generalization reaching a conclusion based on insufficient evidence— essentially making a rash conclusion without considering all of the variables Based on stereotypes
Plain-folks appeal this idea, product, or person is associated with normal, everyday people and activities the Average Joe likes it and so should you Example: Stock Photos
Transfer trying to connect an idea to well know person or symbol the purpose is attach well know characteristic to the product
Fear Mongering the use of intimidation to influence the opinions and actions Scare people into your product
Pathos The use of strong emotions to manipulate behavior. Parental devotion Pity Sadness Attraction Anger Pathos
Either/Or. leaves no room for compromise. only giving two options *Either/Or *leaves no room for compromise *only giving two options *one looks awesome and one is awful Faulty Dilemma