Writing a Research Paper Introductions
Where to begin? Introductions are important. They arouse a reader's interest, introduce the subject, and tackle the So What? factor. In short, they're your paper's "first impression."
Thesis… You'll probably put your thesis statement somewhere near the end of the paragraph and some important background information directly before. But that still leaves the very beginning.
The very beginning Contrary to what you may have been taught, intros don't have to begin with a "general statement." So what are some different ways to start that first sentence?
Quote Begin with a quotation. Just make sure you explain its relevance “We have nothing to fear but fear itself” (Roosevelt).
Opposition Begin with an acknowledgment of an opinion opposite to the one you plan to take While some people may think that green M&Ms taste better, this is simply not true.
Interesting Facts Begin with an interesting fact Detroit was a major stop on the Underground Railroad…
Definitions Begin with a definition or explanation of a term relevant to your paper Holocaust, by definition, means: a great or complete devastation or destruction, esp. by fire. 2.a sacrifice completely consumed by fire; burnt offering. 3 the systematic mass slaughter of European Jews in Nazi concentration camps during World War II (usually prec. by the). 4.any mass slaughter or reckless destruction of life (dictionary.com)
What does an Intro do? Remember the 4 Ds. Define-what your paper is about (thesis) Divide-points to be discussed (supports). Discuss-background info (be brief). Drive Home-catch your reader’s attention.