Unit 5: Solutions ppm and ppb
ppm (parts per million) used to represent very dilute solutions ppm: one part solute in 1,000,000 parts water This is like 1 second of time in 11.5 days!
ppm (parts per million) Example: A 155.3 g sample of pond water is found to have 0.00017 g of Ca3(PO4)2. What is the concentration of Ca3(PO4)2 in ppm?
ppb (parts per billion) used to represent very dilute solutions ppb: one part solute in 1,000,000,000 parts water This is like 1 second of time in 31.7 years!
ppb (parts per billion) Example: An article says that researchers found 0.003 g of mercury in a 1000 kg sample of water. What is the concentration of mercury in ppb?