Critical Reflection Jessica Rochman
How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? Our product uses the convention because we filmed at night which created low key lighting. This is a convention used to add mystery, and I learned about it by researching songs such as “As long as you love me”, by Justin Bieber, and “E.T.” by Katy Perry. Other conventions used in our video were short takes which led up to the chorus and added suspense as the music was building. The song “Back pack” by Justin Bieber is about an alien and a human that become friends. The social group this represents are outsiders, and the human represents the person who made friends with them.
How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? By making the human in our video a teenage girl, it attracts more teens, who are the intended audience of the song. This way of engaging with the audience is very commonly used in videos that are trying to attract teenagers, such as “As long as you love me” by Justin Bieber. Also, because we had Katrina bike, rather than drive, it was relatable and believable since she is a teenager and it was supposed to be very late at night. This music video would be put onto YouTube, because it provides easy access for anyone who wants to view it. It would also be advertised by playing small clips of the video during commercials between shows on channels that are frequently watched by teens, as to draw in more of the audience the video was meant for.
How did your production skills develop throughout the project? Before I started this project, I didn’t have as much experience different types of cameras. But, since I filmed for our video, using Katrina’s camera, I learned how to create different shots and angles by holding and moving the camera differently. I also learned how to be more aware of how much light is in the shot. During editing I was learned more about how to put clips together and where to cut them to make everything run smoothly.
How did you integrate technologies-software, hardware and online- in the project? The music for our video was bought from itunes on the computer. We used imovie to edit and put together our film, and we used Katrina’s camera to film the whole video. Once completed we uploaded the rough draft, and then final draft onto YouTube.