Space The Final frontier . By Ethan Macchia Space The Final frontier .
Our Solar System is Awesome ! Our solar system is made up of 8 Planets mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and, Neptune. There is also a giant star at the center of are solar system. Also it has an asteroid belt.
Our inner planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars Our inner planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The inner planets are solid unlike the outer planets. They are much smaller than the outer planets too. Pluto is considered a dwarf planet. Our inner planets.
Outer planets The outer planets consist of 4 gas giant -s those planets being Jupiter ,Saturn , Uranus, and Neptune. The outer planets don’t get much sunlight since there so far from the sun. There used to be 5 outer planets but Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet.
Earths Surface. Earth’s surface is awesome! Considering 70% 0f it is water. That is weird. There are 7 continents on Earth Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Australia, and Antarctica. Our tallest mountain is Mt. Everest. Our surface is awesome!
Earths surface 2 I've already told you about Earth’s surface now I’m going to tell you more. First of all our biggest ocean is the Pacific. The deepest point on Earth is the Marians trench near Japan. Humans have changed Earths surface a lot like polluting waters and paving over wild life to make cities.
Mars surface 1 Mars surface has a mountain named Olympus that is 14 miles high wow! They also have a humongous canyon that is 3000 meters deep. There surface is awesome !!
Mars surface2 Mars surface holds many wonders we do not have on Earth. One of them is curiosity found a triangular rock that has a negative charge. It also has dried up stream beds. Its like a giant desert. They have sand storms also.
curiosity Curiosity is a Mars rover that is on Mars this very second. It Is probably on Mars collecting samples of rock. It has a working laser on it. It is less powerful than an iphone 4s. It is awesome !
How mars and earth are alike They both have dried up streams. They both also have mountains. They both have big deserts and sand storms. Earth and Mars also both are inner planets and are solid.
How they are different They are also different to. First of all earth has life and Mars doesn't . And Earth does have different terrains. And Earth has a atmosphere and mars does not.
In conclusion. In conclusion Space is pretty awesome ! There's so much we haven't explored! I cant wait to see what we discover in the future. Well all righty then that was awesome!!!
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