Tip of the week— Unit #8 Don’t drop the end silent e when KEY Unit #8 Tip of the week— Don’t drop the end silent e when adding a suffix that begins with a consonant. exceptions– arguement, truely Notice the u before the final silent e. × ×
KEY Tip words— 1) arrangement 2) sincerely
3) differentiate to make a distinction KEY Academic Verbs— 3) differentiate to make a distinction Please differentiate your 9’s and 4’s. 4) modify to change or add information to Adjectives modify nouns.
Commonly misspelled words— 5) remember Remember each family member. KEY Commonly misspelled words— 5) remember Remember each family member. 6) finally Finally, you’re my ally, not my enemy!
ician = specialist / professional KEY Roots/prefixes/suffixes— tri = three archy = government cide = kill ician = specialist / professional
7) triceps arm muscle with three heads KEY 7) triceps arm muscle with three heads 8) hierarchy a government or organization with a leader and lower positions 9) insecticide poison that kills insects 10) physician a specialist in the functions of organisms
Commonly confused words— 11) past (preposition; opposite of present) KEY Commonly confused words— 11) past (preposition; opposite of present) Don’t worry; that’s in the past! 12) passed (past tense of verb “to pass”) He passed me in the race.