United Way of Benton & Lincoln Counties Community Impact Meeting Basic Needs Grant process for Benton County The following is the process used to allocate Meeting Basic Needs funding provided through the City of Corvallis’ Social Service Fund for service to City of Corvallis residents and Meeting Basic Needs funding provided through the United Way’s intervention track for service to Benton County residents. Revision Date: Oct 2017
Community Impact Meeting Basic Needs Grant process This document contains the following information: Funding Model definitions (Intervention and Preventative) Social Service Needs Definitions Grant Cycle Process Steps Process Information Grant Timeline Grant Committee Information Gathering Methods Tips for filling out an Application
Corvallis Social Service Funds Funding Models Corvallis Social Service Funds United Way Funds Preventative Biannual Grant Cycle This funding is for services delivered within the city boundaries UW funding is prioritized on funding rural services; agencies providing only rural services do not have access to the Corvallis SS funding Meeting Basic Needs Annual Grant cycle Intervention In 2015, United Way adopted a two-track funding model, in order to address Meeting Basic Needs, or emergency/interventions, separately from prevention. United Way has administered the Corvallis City Social Service Fund cycle and its own Intervention Funding cycle as one process since 2012, providing greater efficiencies for applicant agencies and in the review and evaluation of their requests. United Way’s Intervention priorities adheres to the City of Corvallis’ Social Service Fund priorities (Council Policy CP 00-6.05 section 6.05.050)—funding only emergency and transitional services. United Way refers to this funding process as Meeting Basic Needs, or the Basic Needs cycle.
Social Service Needs Definitions The following are the City of Corvallis Social Service Needs definitions. These were created to provide a common set of definitions for the various social service needs of our community. Basic Human Needs: These are defined as the basic necessities of life which, when absent or threatened, would be considered to constitute an emergency. Basic Necessities: Food Water Shelter Warmth Clothing Safety & freedom from fear & violence Access to information Acute mental & physical health Transportation Social services: Programs designed to improve the mental or physical condition of the people in the community. Such programs may include, but are not limited to, mental and physical health, child care, drug and alcohol abuse, vocational rehabilitation, aging, and others as permitted. Service Types covered by Basic Needs Funding Emergency services: Programs or services that provide immediate or short-term assistance to meet any of the above basic human needs when absent. Transitional services: Programs or services that provide people with a short or defined period of assistance to sustain their basic human needs in the transition to self-sufficiency. Services not covered by Basic Needs Funding Long-term services: Programs or services that provide permanent or on-going services to citizens. Preventive services: Programs or services that seek to prevent citizens from needing emergency or transitional assistance.
Community Impact Meeting Basic Needs Grant Process Community Impact (CI) Meeting Basic Needs Grant Cycle Begins (October) Timeline shared/finalized with Community Impact Committee. United Way Staff sends out Process Kickoff invitation to agencies through the Benton Partners email distribution list. Cycle Kickoff Meeting (October) The following is communicated during this meeting Process Timeline Funding Priorities Informational gathering methods Application (key information and timing) Timing for Interim / Final Reports A
Meeting Basic Needs application available (February) Community Impact Committee completes information gathering cycle (October – March) Meeting Basic Needs application available (February) Meeting Basic Needs application submission deadline (March) Grant Allocations (April) City and United Way funding is confirmed at the beginning of the allocation cycle. Community Impact Committee reviews grant applications for City Social Service funds. Allocations are based on City funding priorities. The Committee finalizes their recommendations at the end of the review cycle. Community Impact Committee reviews grant applications for United Way intervention funds. Allocations are based on United Way priorities. The Committee finalizes their recommendations at the end of the review cycle. B The City Social Services and United Way Funding Recommendation packages are prepared. (end of April/beginning of May) B
B C City Social Service Funding Cycle Note: City Cycle is completed first due to the City Council submittal timeline United Way Intervention Funding Cycle The City Social Service Funding Recommendation Package submitted to City Council for approval. (mid May, City Council meeting) United Way Funding Recommendation Package submitted to UW Board of Directors for approval (June, United Way BOD meeting) Approved? Approved? No Yes Yes No Community Impact Committee works through questions/ concerns raised by the Council. Resubmits in June Council meeting Community Impact Committee works through questions/ concerns raised by the BOD. Resubmits in July BOD meeting C
C United Way creates Grant Award letters. Letters identify funding allocation from City Social Service Funds &/or United Way Funds Solicits process feedback from agencies & City Staff for next cycle process improvements (June/July) Community Impact Committee reviews grant process (including feedback) (August). ID’s process improvements to implement for the next cycle United Way Regional CEO & CI Chair meets with Corvallis City Staff to share process improvements & to get updates on any changes in City priorities for next cycle (August/Sept) Recommended Changes Feedback Address feedback/ modify where appropriate Changes approved Changes implemented during next Basic Needs cycle
United Way Meeting 2018 Basic Needs Grant Timeline Action Required Important Dates Process Kickoff October 25 Agency Site Visits Nov 2017, Jan – March 2018 RFP packet sent / available to agencies Feb 12 Grant applications due March 26 Allocation Meeting(s) Mon April 2 // Mon April 16 Funding package developed (UW Staff) Final doc review by CI Committee April 18-May 11 May 7 Funding Recommendations Presented to Approving Body City Staff: May 8 City Council: May 14 UW Board: May 27
Information Gathering Methods Site Visits Roundtables Agencies are assigned to the Community Impact Committee members who are responsible for scheduling the site visits. These visits are scheduled during Oct, Nov, Jan, Feb, Mar. Agencies can discuss all of their programs with the Community Impact committee members during their visit. Roundtable discussions are held on each of the Basic Needs Categories. It is mandatory all agencies requesting either City Social Service Funds or United Way funds attend at minimum of one of these discussions. Oct: Food Nutrition Nov: Health/Wellness Jan: Child/Youth/Families Feb: Homeless/Chronic Mar: Homeless/Situational/Transitional This is the process chosen for this cycle
Things to consider when filling out your Application The Meeting Basic Needs cycle (Corvallis & United Way) funds programs providing emergency and intervention services only. An agency can use one application per service category in order to be considered for both City Service Funding and United Way Funding. Service Categories: Food/Nutrition Health/Wellness Child/Youth/Families Homeless/Chronic Homeless/Situational/Transitional In your application please note if your services are provided in the City of Corvallis , Benton County or both (zip codes no longer needed). Focus your application towards the funding source which has more available funding for your service(s). If your service is available for City Social Services funds focus your application towards these If your services are only eligible for United Way funds focus your application towards these. Agencies need to define at minimum one unit of service for each program within their application. For example: A night of shelter costs $3.60 A $10.00 food box feeds a family of four for one week
United Way Meeting 2018 Basic Needs Reporting Timeline Action Required Important Dates Agency Interim Reports Due Community Impact Committee review City Staff Report generated (by UW Staff) City Staff review City Council review United Way BOD review (flagged reports only) Jan 14, 2019 Jan 17- Feb 11, 2019, discussed in Feb 11 meeting Feb 12-Mar 1, 2019; submitted on March 4 March 4-March 15 March 18, 2019 March 25, 2019 Agency End of Year Reports Due July 19, 2019 July 22 - Aug 12, 2019, discussed in Aug 12 meeting Aug 13 – August 30 Sept 2-Sept 13 Sept 16, 2019 Sept 23, 2019