Welcome to our EoE OD Network Developing resilience in challenging times Tuesday 16 February 2016
Purpose Have time and space to learn, think, create and reflect Build OD capacity and capability Enable system transformation to deliver improved patient experience and quality of care Provide opportunities for strengthening relationships and collaboration @eoeleadership eoeleadership.hee.nhs.uk/organisational_development
Progress to date Launched Network July 2015 4th OD Networking event 65 people engaged in the Network regularly attending Networking events 74 members on EoE OD and Leadership Network group on LinkedIn Further details from past events will be found at eoeleadership.hee.nhs.uk/organisational_development @eoeleadership eoeleadership.hee.nhs.uk/organisational_development
OD Network future dates Thursday 21 April 2016 Tuesday 14 June 2016 Thursday 6 October 2016 Thursday 8 December 2016 @eoeleadership eoeleadership.hee.nhs.uk/organisational_development