6th Grade Language Arts Ms. Rogers Figurative Language 6th Grade Language Arts Ms. Rogers
NCSCS Objective 5.01 Increase fluency, comprehension, and insight through a meaningful and comprehensive literacy program by discussing the effects of such literary devices as figurative language, dialogue, flashback, allusion, irony, and symbolism.
Alliteration What in the world does the word “alliteration” mean? Alliteration: the repetition of consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words. Jack joyfully joked with his jolly friend. Can you make up your own alliteration? Alliteration fun...
Assonance Alliteration and Assonance are practically opposites…what do you think it means? Assonance: the resemblance of sounds in word caused by vowels. We like to write at night with the light on. Why is the “i” in “with” not highlighted?
Hyperbole That word is a mile long! Can you guess what it means? Hyperbole: an exaggeration that is usually humorous. I feel like we have been driving for weeks! More Hyperboles!!
Metaphor Metaphors are monsters to many people because they get them confused with Similes. Any guesses on what it means? Metaphor: a comparison of two things without using “like” or “as”. Julie’s mom is a machine; she cleans all day! Can you make up your own?
Simile Metaphor and Simile are also opposites, so a Simile must be…. Simile: the comparison of two things using “like” or “as”. Brad runs like a chicken. Make up some of your own.
Onomatopoeia Can anyone spell that with his/her eyes closed? Onomatopoeia: a word that labels an action with the sound of it. Hiss, ROAR!!, Buzzzzzz Can you think of any others? Let's find the ONOMATOPOEIAS in this poem!
Personification What does this word sound like? Personification: giving a non-human object human qualities. The grass danced away the day. Can grass dance, or do people dance? Make up some of your own! Let's name the objects being personified.
Cites Used http://www.kidskonnect.com/FigurativeLanguage/FigurativeLanguageHome.html