Integrated Treatment: Impacts of Trauma & Addiction:


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Presentation transcript:

Integrated Treatment: Impacts of Trauma & Addiction: Trauma and Addiction General Guidelines for Creating an Effective Poster Posters need to be read by attendees from a distance of 3 feet or more, so lettering on illustrations should be large and legible. The title should be in very large type, 84 pt. or larger. Do NOT use all capitals for titles and headings. It makes them hard to read. Text on panels should be between 18 and 24 pt. to be legible. Use double or 1.5 spacing between lines of text. Keep each panel relatively short and to the point. More than 25 lines won't get read, but 15 to 18 usually will. Framing the text by putting a box around it will also help readers to focus. Choose a simple font such as Times, Helvetica or Prestige Elite and stick with it. Avoid overuse of outlining and shadowing, it can be distracting. To make something stand out, use a larger font size, bold or underline instead. Whenever possible, use graphs, charts, tables, figures, pictures or lists instead of text to get your points across. Make sure your presentation flows in a logical sequence. It should have an introduction, body and conclusion, just like any other presentation. Posters don’t need to be "arty". Simplicity, ease of reading, etc., are more important than artistic flair. In a room full of posters, consider the visual impact your presentation needs to make in order to attract readers. Use colors behind panels to increase contrast and impact, but avoid fluorescent colors which will make things hard to read when someone gets closer. Consider bringing extra copies of your data and conclusions. By: Kaitlyn Ashcroft Greater Rochester Collaborative Master of Social Work Program Abstract Data: 2015 National Survey Integrated Treatment: Research suggests that there is a strong correlation between trauma and drug addiction. Although many treatment centers address trauma and drug addiction as separate entities; studies show that by addressing both trauma and addiction simultaneously there is a higher chance of a successful recovery. This thesis will define trauma and addiction, diagnostic criteria, provide trauma and addiction theories and history, how brain functioning is altered if an individual has experienced trauma or addiction, the intense impacts of trauma and addiction, and various forms of treatment. This thesis also explores a few of the different integrated approaches that identify addiction and trauma as an issue that needs to be treated concurrently rather than separate. Medication assisted treatment is helpful when addressing co-occurring disorders Learn coping skills Helps address possible triggers of mood swings, depression, panic attacks, and decrease relapse Decrease hospitalization, ER visits, decrease tax payers spending The ability to reclaim life and restore normalcy. Addressing multiple stressors Models that utilize an integrated treatment approach: Addictions and Trauma Recovery Integration (ATRIUM), HWR or Helping Women Recover, Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET) , Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Model (TREM) PTSD Symptoms Use of Substances to “cope” Vulnerability to more trauma Mental Health Addiction Co-Occurring Disorders “50-66 percent of those who suffer from PTSD also battle simultaneous addiction” Impacts of Trauma & Addiction: Research suggests that individuals who struggle with trauma and addiction may have challenges forming and maintaining relationship. It can destroy family functioning. They often lose a piece of themselves and push moral values and beliefs. They are also at an increased risk for homelessness, incarceration, victimization and death. References Shelly A. Wiechelt & Shulamith Lala A. Straussner (2015) Introduction to the Special Issue: Examining the Relationship Between Trauma and Addiction, Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 15:1, 1-5, DOI: 10.1080/1533256X.2015.996501 Abuse, N. I. (2017, September 15). Overdose Death Rates. Retrieved from Cross, C., & Ashley, L. (2007). Trauma & addiction: implications for helping professional. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services, 45(1), 24-27 (n.d.). Retrieved February 19, 2018, from The Link between PTSD and Substance Abuse/Addiction. (n.d.). Retrieved from SAMHSA, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (n.d.). Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States:Results from the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Retrieved from An Introduction to Integrated Treatment. (n.d.). Retrieved from Trauma: “a distressing event that are psychologically overwhelming for the individuals who experience them”. Addiction: “ a complex disease, often chronic in nature, which affects the functioning of the brain and body”. Co-occurring Disorders: the coexistence of both a mental health and substance use disorder.