England and Colonization J.A. SACCO
Early English Exploration 1497- John Cabot explore the region of New Foundland/NW Passage England not interested in exploration. Why? Exploration found little gold/wealth Spain already control Americas through Treaty of Tordesillas England also Roman Catholic at time England allied with Spain against France
Causes of English Colonization By late 1500’s changes took place in England that would make colonization more appealing. WHY?
Causes of English Colonization Protestant Reformation Henry VIII establishes the Anglican Church Separatists Puritans
Causes of English Colonization Change in England's Economy Large landowners convert farms from renting to sheep herding- “enclosure movement”- evicted tenants no where to go. America a second chance. Additional markets for surplus wool “Joint Stock Company”- a way to raise large amounts of capital for colonization
Causes of English Colonization Mercantilism What is mercantilism? Why is colonization vital to mercantilism?
Causes of English Colonization Change in England's Politics England split between Protestant/Catholic England now contending with Catholic Spain “Sea Dogs” privateers encouraged by Elizabeth I Defeat of Spanish Armada in 1588- Spanish decline
Why English Colonies Successful? Founded by private enterprise Religious dissenters allowed to settle English colonists given large measure of self-government
Systems of Colonial Government Charter Colony Joint stock company raise capital to establish colony-London/Va. Companies Land granted by king to colonists Colonial governor chosen by colonists
Systems of Colonial Government Proprietary Colony King makes royal grants to favored persons Royal governor chosen by proprietor
Systems of Colonial Government Royal/Crown Colony Colony established by the king Royal governor appointed by the King
Colonies Everywhere! 1775 Self-Governing Royal Colonies CT, RI MA, NJ,NY,NH,VA, NC, SC, GA Proprietary Colonies DE,MD,PA