WWII: War Simulation! The road to war…
Nation A You are a rather large nation You are considered a powerful nation You have a large amount of resources You have been isolated for multiple years but recently have used your power to expand your influence globally Nation A
Nation B You are a relatively small nation You have grown increasingly imperialistic recently You have very few natural resources To become a world power, you must acquire new trade markets and resources Nation B
Each round you will discuss with your counties leaders to decide how to respond to different situations Your group will then vote to decide what to do Your group leader will read your options and begin the discussion Simulation
Round one Nation A Nation B Nation B invades a independent nation near them to acquire territory and resources. You are a small nation with a growing military and economy. The problem is you have a small amount of land and resources to continue your nations growth. You decide to attack a weaker nation near you with vast amounts of land to gain resources. Country A is not happy about this. Round one
Round two Nation A Nation B 6 years later nation B invades another neighboring nation, this time it's a country you trade with. This attack will ultimately cut you out of trading with this nation unless you negotiate with nation B. After your last successful invasion your country is growing rapidly. You see another opportunity to grow your economy and become a real world power. You decide to invade another nation and take over their international trading. This angers nation A because now they have to negotiate with you to trade with the conquered nation. Round two
Round three Nation A Nation B Given nation B’s continued aggression you and your allies place an oil and metal embargo on nation B. This blocks nearly all their sources of oil and will force nation B to re-consider their rapid growth. Nation A has blocked your access to oil and metal, this makes it impossible for you to continue industrialization and economic growth. You only have 2 years of oil reserves before you run out. The situation is dire! Round three
Nation A? Nation B? The United States Japan Who's who???
How did you feel after this event? What were your emotions? Quick write 9/11
How was the 9/11 attack similar to the Pearl Harbor attack How was the 9/11 attack similar to the Pearl Harbor attack? (think about the event, response, and reaction) Think-pair-share
The US gets involved!! The US (mostly) fought the Japanese. December 7, 1941 Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii to sink US ships stationed there. US declared war on Japan and Germany the next day In two hours = most of the US navy was destroyed and 2,000 sailors were killed The US gets involved!!
Executive Order 9066 After Pearl Harbor Americans were extremely afraid that Japan would attack the west coast. Tanks and soldiers were sent to watch and protect coasts.. In reality, the U.S. could do little to defend itself at this time.
Japanese Internment Camps After the attack on Pearl Harbor many Americans feared or hated Asian-Americans living in the US. The US gov set up work camps and forced Asians to stay there until after the war. Who also did something like this???? Japanese Internment Camps
Success on the Home Front The war provided a lift to the U.S. economy Jobs were abundant and despite rationing and shortages, people had money to spend. By the end of the war, America was the world’s dominant economic and military power.
ECONOMIC GAINS Unemployment fell to only 1.2% by 1944 and wages rose 35% Farmers benefited as production doubled and their income tripled
Normandy Invasion (D-Day) June 6, 1944 Generals Dwight D. Eisenhower and George Patton influential in leading attack 3 million ally troops attack Germany in Normandy France. Biggest land invasion in the history of the world! Normandy Invasion (D-Day)