Miss Marohl’s Class Week of October 2 Please be checking our website for any information you may need – book orders & etc … Oct. 5: Sophia’s Birthday! Oct. 5: NO SCHOOL – P/T Conferences 2:00 - 8:30 Oct. 6 & 9: NO SCHOOL Oct. 13: Kenna’s Birthday! PEEK AT OUR WEEK AHEAD Reading: Author Study (rotate classrooms) Writing: Review skills Grammar: Review skills Phonics: Review skills Math: Story Problems/ Social Studies: Golden Rule Science: What is an engineer? Please remember to check the Take Home Folder each night! Snack schedule is in their Take Home Folder
Peek at our Week Spelling Words Surfer of the Week School News Miss Marohl’s Class Week of September 25 Spelling Words Surfer of the Week NO WORDS – SHORT WEEK School News Words to Know NO WORDS – SHORT WEEK Please see Tiger Tuesday sent out every Tuesday and the Flyers tab on our website for updates on school happenings! OTHER NEWS Picture Retakes Oct. 12 Book orders are being sent home Wednesday, Oct. 4th – DUE Friday, Oct. 13 (Information is on my website) Lunch Menu Monday: Mandarin Orange Chicken w/Rice : Ham Sub Sandwich Tuesday: Carnitas Pork Nachos : Hamburger Wednesday: Turkey Gravy over Mashed Potatoes : Cheese Pizza Thursday & Friday: NO SCHOOL